

This plant from Rocks of Harwan in Kashmir
I had initially identified as Ajuga bracteosa but after seeing the description details and photographing actual A. bracteosa from Batote I am doubtful about its identification.
Rosettes of basal leaves are not so distinct, stem leaves seem to be similar but all branches are procumbent, the erect stem with upper spicate clusters are never seen. Also stamens don’t seem to be exserted.
Please help in correct ID. 

Ajuga parviflora Small-Flowered Bugleweed ?

Ajuga species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

No this one is different from A. parviflora, possibly a variant of A. bracteosa or A. decumbens.

Included stamens are known in A.brachystemon, A.macrosperma and A.parviflora.
A.macrosperma can be ruled out as I know the plant.
A.parviflora or A.brachystemon?

A. parviflora I thought is a distinct plant, unless it is wrongly identified, photographed by me from Morni
A. brachstemon grows as 12500 ft near Pindari glacier. I wonder its occurrence at 5600 ft that too on a dry rock. 

If any one is having Fl of Pakistan, Labiatae account they can verify with that as it was an excellent work by Ian Hedge from Edinburgh. [In Fl Pakistan Kashmir plants also included]. Unfortunately I do not have Ajuga part.

Here is Ajuga in Fl. Pakistan
It describes only A. bracteosa and A. parviflora.

Yes Sir the ID seems difficult.
It is not A.parviflora.
Not A.brachystemon, though the A.brachystemon is known from as low altitude as 1500m in Uttarakhand.
Unfortunately we do not have monographic work on Ajuga of India/Himalaya/Western Himalaya or I am not aware.
FoC may have some help now.
Or Flora of Nepal.
We have to search.

In my opinion it is Ajuga parviflora
however, it requires further investigation from the specimens.

I think close to images at Ajuga parviflora Benth.
Pl. see the following threads by Anurag ji & Suresh ji:

Not Ajuga parviflora at least.

Ajuga integrifolia Buch.–Ham. !

If above plant is A. integrifolia  Buch.-Ham (Syn: A. bracteosa Wall. ex Benth.), what is my Batote plant (notice bifid upper corolla, somewhat exserted stamens, decumbent habit)

My Harwan plant is different in features I have elaborated in my mail above.

efi, POWO, GBIF and CoL has described A. bracteosa as syn. of A. integrifolia.

That is true …, please read my comment again.


Ajuga species from Paddar valley J&K: Request for Identification:

Kindly identify this Ajuga species
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Date: 20th May 2012
Altitude: 2000 meters asl
Habit/habitat: Wild herb

Ajuga bracteosa I suppose

I think more closer to images at Ajuga parviflora Benth.