Fwd: Gurcharan, you have a high-performing post : 20 posts by 4 authors.
Your post is performing better than 65% of other posts on the Page.
Species, genera & family pages of 121 families with names starting from A to H are now with images. It is nice to observe the fast progress in inserting images along with having a re-look at our old threads & identifications. We are hopeful that this work will be completed by 31.3.18 with insertion of around 1,00,000 unique images. Pl. see /species
Thanks, …
But I do not know exactly what it means ?
A promotional strategy by Facebook, but significant that 453 people have seen this post and 30 liked it in just 17 hours.
Thanks, … Just troubling you more.
To whom actually this post is sent ?
I thought it should have gone to you also, the persons authorized to publish on this page. I think … would have better knowledge. Thanks, … Actually my question is different.
When I made a post on facebook- to whom it was actually sent by facebook- like say my friends ? or to anybody else ?
Facebook keep on advertising for boosting of posts on respective pages. These ads are visible only to the ADMINS and not the other members. They do not send it to the personal e-mails.
Moreover, we have not given the email IDs of admins on this FB page. Our email id on efloraofindia page is ipmod.
How does this ad mail reached on … email id, I am not aware.
When you post anything on FB, it is not sent as mail. It will only be visible to the members on home screen or in the drop down menu on FB home page
I have also seen this message with “your post is performing better than 75% of the posts on FB, boost it to 100% with just Rs. 88/-“ I also see such ads on my college page, but their is no need to respond to such ads. These ads are keeping the FB going on through resource generation from private businesses. Private companies are paying for these ads.
Thanks, …, It will only be visible to the members on home screen or in the drop down menu on FB home page-> how many members we (efloraofindia page, if my thinking is correct) have ?
…, messages from FB, related to statistics of the posts on page, are seen only by the page admins. No one else are shown such messages. Such ads are visible only to the ADMINS not members. I think, we are 5 ADMINS Thanks, …
My question is how many persons are able to see my postings at their home page or in drop down menu on FB home page?
…, notifications regarding every post made on efloraofindia page are made to all those people who have liked the page and are following the page. Thus those people when click on the notification are led to the eFI page, and shown the post. Thanks, … It does not go to ones’ friends ?
…, as told by …, it is seen by those who follow our page. At present, this number is 570. Thanks, … That is a good number.
When I first posted on our FB page, I was prompted to invite my friends to like this (efloraofindia on FB) page, more than 50% of my friends liked the page. A way to make it popular.