Amorphophallus bulbifer ?

SK1368 18 AUG 2018 : 15 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)- around 800 kb each.
Location: Godavari, Nepal
Altitude : 5000 ft.
Date: 24 July 2018
Habit :  Wild

Please ignore image no 6

Reminds me of Amorphophallus.

Yes … I think you are right
the leaves, wings etc along with those darker longitudinal blotches on the twig or stem would point to Amorphophilus

Sir i think Tacca leontopetaloides or Other Tacca sp. Dioscoreaceae

It is not the one.

Thank you for the hint. Amorphophallus bulbifer (Roxb.) Blume  ??
efn says 300-900m. How can we verify the elevation of its habitat.

Thanks, … for the genus id.
To me appears more closer to images at Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson rather than those at Amorphophallus bulbifer (Roxb.) Blume 

Thank you … but a bit confusion about the elevation.

Where is the elevation given in your link?

may be he means when he originally submitted it he said 5000 feet above sl.
did you submit this case to whats app or facebook groups also?
is that the source of elevation question??

EFN : Secondary conditions, secondary forests or highly disturbed areas, in dappled shade or fully exposed; sea level to 800 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; N Australia, Pacific islands; naturalized in Indian Ocean islands (Seychelles)].

But it is not given in your link.
It is also cultivated as per details at

According to the latest book published on Checklist of Nepal, only 2 sp. are listed for Nepal.
A. bulbifer and A. napalensis. On this basis I guess this could be A. bulbifer having elevation range of 300-1600m.

Amorphophallus napalensis (Wall.) Bogner & Mayo ??


SK712 13 AUG-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 25 May 2017
Altitude: 4200 ft.

Cultivated? Pl. check comparative images at Araceae page in efi site.

Pl. check comparative images at Araceae

Pl. also check comparative images at Amorphophallus

Amorphophallus bulbifer (Schott) Blume  ??

Fruiting images from the same location. It is definitely not an A. bulbifer.
3 high res. images.

Shot on 20 November 2023!

Amorphophallus napalensis (Wall.) Bogner & Mayo ??

From the same location on 19 December 2023.
3 high res. images.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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