19 Aug-2017 Plant id from Chopal, H.P : 12 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (3) Habitat- wild 2500m asl
location- Chaupal, H.P Date- 26-4-2017
Amaranthaceae? Yes Amaranthaceae, looks like Celosia sp. to me Chelosia argentea Some Elsholtzia species (Lamiaceae) please check. May be Elsholtzia eriostachya.
Yes, not Celosia, may be Elscholtzia sp.
does not seem to match with any species of Elsholtzia or Celosia as per comparative images herein.
Might be Elsholtzia ciliata, in which bracts are ovate with acuminate apex (like peepal leaf) and bigger than calyx.
May I request you to pl. post the original image as leaves are not clear. Sorry sir for the late reply Sp. looks quite tall to be E.ciliata ! |