Tupistra khasiana D.K.Roy, A.A.Mao & Aver., Taiwania 62(3): 257-260, 2017 ;

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Tupistra khasiana (Asparagaceae), a new species from Meghalaya, India- Dilip Kumar Roy, Ashiho A. Mao and Leonid V. Averyanov – Taiwania 62(3): 257-260, 2017 (Abstract- Tupistra khasiana D.K.Roy, A.A.Mao & Aver. (Asparagaceae), a new species from Meghalaya, India is described and illustrated. It differs from similar congeners, T. pingbianensis, T. fungilliformis and T. tupistroides in having creeping rhizomatous stem, down curved peduncle, smaller, thick, fleshy, bract, to 3 mm long, obscurely tri-dentate bracteole, to 2 mm long, ca. 2 mm broad, comparatively shorter perianth, to 8.5 mm long, with externally light green tube and smaller lobes, 3.5–4 mm long, shorter style, 5 mm long and in dark purple stigma, with distinctly undulated margin. Key to the Indian Tupistra is given)