Euphorbia falcata L., Sp. Pl. 456 1753. (syn: Esula falcata (L.) Haw.; Esula obscura (Loisel.) Fourr.; Euphorbia acuminata Lam.; Euphorbia arenaria Willd. ex Ledeb. [Illegitimate]; Euphorbia arvensis Kit.; Euphorbia arvensis Schleich. ex Steud. [Illegitimate]; Euphorbia caesaraugustana Willk. & Lange [Illegitimate]; Euphorbia caudata Boiss. & Hausskn.; Euphorbia erythrosperma A.Kern.; Euphorbia falcata var. acuminata (Lam.) St.-Amans ………..; Euphorbia mucronata Lam.; Euphorbia nervosa Kit.; Euphorbia obscura Loisel.; Euphorbia palatinata F.Zimmerm. ex Thell. & F.Zimmerm. [Invalid]; Euphorbia pseudograeca Grossh.; Euphorbia purpurascens Deysson [Illegitimate]; Euphorbia rubra Cav.; Euphorbia rugosa Kit. [Illegitimate]; Euphorbia tatianae Fed.; Galarhoeus falcatus (L.) Prokh.; Keraselma falcatum (L.) Raf.; Keraselma rubrum (Cav.) Raf.; Tithymalus falcatus (L.) Klotzsch & Garcke .; Tithymalus mucronatus Bubani; Tithymalus ruber (Cav.) Bubani);

Euphrobia falcata (Euphorbiaceae) – a new record for India : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – Euphorbia falcata.pdf- 7 MB.
Please find attached a PDF of a recently published paper as above which may be found useful.

Euphorbia_kashmir : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Kindly help in the ID of this Euphorbia sp.

Picture taken at Srinagar, Kashmir.

I hope E. peplus. Close up of cyathium should help. please check this
After looking at horns and leaves you may compare with this also

The cyathophylls with long apiculate tip makes it different from both the E peplus and E. lathyris.

Unfortunately, the plant specimen we have is not in good condition.

I think it may be near to E. falcata.

Yes cyathophylls are very distinct, but as these are also seen in E. lathyris, glands are crucial, transversely oblong in E. falcata, crescent shaped (pointed tips in E. esula; rounded in E. lathyris) in other two.

I have been searching for possibilities of this species in the Himalayan species of Euphorbia, subgenus Tithymalus. However I have not been able to pinpoint a single species matching this photo.
I tried E. stracheyii due its short prostrate habit, but the leaves surrounding the cyathia are ovate-acute to caudate-acuminate at apex, whereas in E. stracheyii they are orbicular to ovate-orbicular with rounded apex.
It may be a new introduction from Central Asia of Tibet.

I think the Plant has been published as Euphorbia falcata  : a new plant record for India from Jammu & Kashmir
Pleione 11(1): 172 – 175. 2017. ISSN: 0973-9467, this image has been reproduced as image Cb in the picture


Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia leucocephala from Panchkula Cactus Garden-GS-34:
Plant has been published as Euphorbia falcata: a new plant record for India from Jammu & Kashmir

Pleione 11(1): 172 – 175. 2017. ISSN: 0973-9467, uploaded image reproduced as image Cb in the paper

Image is not clear but looks close to Euphorbia falcata L.

Here is the full paper, you can see this image (3c) along with other images in the paper.

Here is the full paper. Above image has been included as Cb along with other  images of the Kashmir plant.
1 attachment- 1 pdf