Polytoca wallichiana (Steud.) Benth., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 19: 52 1881. (syn: Cyathorhachis wallichiana Nees ex Steud.);
E. Himalaya to Indo-China: Andaman Is., Assam, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;


MS Nov.2014/001 Poaceae : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Location : Kepran, Mizoram
Date : 05-11-2014
Habit : A grass up to about 3 m.
Habitat : Usually grows along roadsides.

Attachments (1)

Perhaps it is Andropogon gerardii

Sir, another pictures are attached herewith for confirmation, if possible
Attachments (2)

DSCN2446,2447,2448 are Polytoca wallichiana. It belongs to tribe Maydeae. The inflorescence which is clearly visible is the male inflorescence. At the base of the male inflorescence, if you look carefully, one can also see the female inflorescence also emerging out from the sheath.


MS Nov.2015/01 Poaceae for ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Habit : Grass up to about 3 m. tall or 1,5 – 3 m. tall
Habitat : Growing wild
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram
Date : 11/11/2015

Kindly send me inflorescence closeup pictures

Sorry ! Now, not available with me

Polytoca wallichiana

This is not Polytoca wallichiana as per MS,Oct.,2021/64 Polytoca sp. ? for id.

Polytoca wallichiana only as per MS,Oct.,2021/64 Polytoca sp. ? for id.


MS,Oct.,2021/64 Polytoca sp. ? for id.: 3 images.
Place : Tamdil
Date : 11-11-2015
Habit : Perennial grass, ca.3 m tall
Habitat : Wild

Polytoca wallichiana (Nees ex Steud.) Benth. !!

Please put this plant in Unidentified list. It is a new one for me with female spikelets on top and awned male spikelets below on the same inflorescence. Please also mention whether this specimen has been collected and deposited in any herbarium.

Pl. tell whether this specimen has been collected and deposited in any herbarium?

Extremely sorry !! Not collected. If required, I can collect during October & November of this year I think.

This I again think is Polytoca wallichiana only comparing with the sheet attached below. It has awned male spikelets at the top and female raceme enclosed in sheath below. The sheet below shows similar male spikelets, but unopened.