Bahamas; Belize; Colombia; Costa Rica; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico Central;
Mexico Gulf; Mexico Northeast; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Nicaragua;
Panam; Venezuela
as per Catalogue of Life



211017BHAR01 – Epiphyte : 13 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Found in Auroville botanical Garden near  Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu.
Any Idea?

Pl. check comparative images at 

Not available at both the links.

Could not find a match as per comparative images at 

It may be related to Agave

Thanks, … But does not matches with any species so far in efi. 

It could be Bilbergia nutans.

Not Billbergia species as suggested by …, but some species like Aechmea species- Flower Show, Mumbai

No matching images in the NET.  Hence, unable to suggest the ID.

May be Aechmea bracteata ….

I think it is matching —Aechmea bracteata ….