Fwd: Re: Presentation for IAAt Conference-2017, Delhi University : 15 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1) – Presentation EFI, IAAT Conference November 2017.pdf- 3 MB.

The presentation at the conference is over now..it was  very nice experience to share all the information with the delegates..
Fortunately, we were three people representing efloraofindia, myself, Balkar Ji and Rawat Ji..
Thanks a lot for your support and guidance and for giving me this opportunity..

Thanks, …
It was really nice of you all to carry the message of efloraofindia to a very large gathering of Taxonomists and Botanists.
Can this be uploaded in file section of our site ?

Thanks …,

I will do it, will create a pdf after return, and upload..

I think it can be done in power point also.
How much is the size ?

Though it is less than 5 MB, still I think pdf version is not having any compatibility issues..

It was so nice of Nidhan ji and Balkar ji, for representing efloraofindia in this conference and making a beautiful presentation before the star studded gathering of taxonomists and botanists. 
I am attaching this for perusal of our members. 
Attachments (1) – Presentation EFI, IAAT Conference November 2017.pdf- 3 MB.

– 3

Superb presentation with detailed information !

Great work indeed !

Thanks to Nidhan ji, Balkar ji and Rawat for representing efloraofindia at the IAAT conference. Wonderful presentation and efforts !!!

Other recipients:
It is now available under file section at efi site at the below link: /files
It is now available under file section at efi site at the below link:
Congratulations to the makers of this superb, very catchy presentation; after looking at the last (Thank you) slide I wish to put my opinion, particularly the last slide with pictures of different locations of India is added (I am afraid if it is feasible or not) it will add some flavour of our nation wide collections such as from Himalayan, desert, and South Indian sps. etc.,

Thanks, …
This presentation was finally presented at the conference in last week.

Very Nice and  informative presentation… Congratulations Nidhan ji and Balkar ji..

Great to know about presentation and thank you for representing eflora of India in the summit of the taxonomist.  

Congratulations to you both. This year I missed the IAAT conference, hope it was good.  

Congrats Nidhan Ji and Balkar Ji for flying eFI flag in IAAT conference.

I am sure many hard core taxonomists were not aware of this hilarious effort of Garg Ji and Team eFI. They must be astonished.

Congrats and thanks to Nidhan ji, Balkar ji and Rawat ji for representing eFI at IAAT conference!
I really appreciate your time and efforts in preparing the nice and informative ppt and presenting it on behalf of eFI. Great work!

Congratulations to Dr. Nidhan Singh ji and Dr. Bankar Singh ji for the nice presentation.

Congratulations to Garg ji for undertaking the huge task of creating efloraofindia.

Congratulations Nidhan Sir and Balkar Sir! Missed the opportunity to attend IAAT, and to meet both of you this time. The PPT is good. 

It was really great opportunity for me to meet Dr Nidhan, Dr Balkar and Dr Rawat personally at IAAT 2017. I was present at all the 3 presentations. Excellent ….

Thanks a lot Garg Ji and everyone on efloraofindia for giving me a chance to represent our forum on that platform. It was great opportunity to interact with many experts and a very pleasant meeting with Rawat Ji and Anzar Ji…
Thanks Garg Ji for your valuable suggestions at all phases of this presentation. Thanks to all of you for nice words..I know it could have been much better. 
Sincere Thanks to All.

Thanks, Nidhan ji. 

I feel it was a great effort on your part and very nicely done.