


ID Request: 02122017: NSK : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

2′ tall sapling found in my neighbour’s  garden., besides a full grown Terminalia catapa tree. However, I felt the leaf shape is different from the big tree.

Date/Time- 1 Dec 2017, Daytime.

Location- North Bengaluru, 900m.

Habitat- Roadside Garden.

Plant Habit- Tree

Height/Length – 3 feet (small sapling, not grown).

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size – Broad, oval with pointed tip. One primary vein running along the center of the leaves. Secondary veins branching out in an alternate fashion

Inflorescence Type/ Size – Not seen.

Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts – Not seen.

Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds – Not seen.

Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc. – None.