Gentiana depressa D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 125 1825. (syn: Ericala depressa D. Don ex G. Don; Gentiana contorta Falc. ex C. B. Cl.; Gentianodes depressa (D. Don ex G. Don) A. Löve & D. Löve; Pneumonanthe depressa D. Don ex G. Don);  

S-Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, S-India (Madras), Sikkim, Chumbi as per Catalogue of Life;




Gentiana ornata (D.Don) Wall. ex Griseb. ?? : 16 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Location: Dangsing, Kaski, Nepal
Altitude:9600 ft.

Date: 18 November 2017  

Image Credit : Sameer Kasaju

Does not matches with images of this species as per the following:

Appears to be somewhat similar to images at Gentiana stipitata Edgew., but different.

Thank you …! Gentiana stipitata Edgew.

Are you sure?  



Additional images of same location shot by Swastika Kasaju! Attachments (4)

Gentiana depressa D.Don !

ID ok?

Someone from Facebook helped me for the correct ID. I guess this is an addition !

Yes, it is.