Cymbidium tracyanum L.Castle, J. Hort. Cottage Gard. III, 21: 513 1890. (syn: Cymbidium zaleskianum L.Linden; Cyperorchis tracyana (L.Castle) Schltr.);
Common name: Tracy’s Cymbidium
SE. Tibet to China (S. Yunnan, SW. Guizhou) and N. Indo-China as per WCSP;
Assam; China South-Central; Myanmar; Thailand; Tibet; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;

SK948 13JAN-2018 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- around 1 Mb each.

Location: Sanepa, Kathmandu, Nepal  
Date: 13 January 2018
Elevation: 4400 ft.
Cymbidium hybrid ???

This is interesting.

I thought it is not found in Nepal. Is it wild?
This should be Cymbidium tracyanum.

Thank you …  Actually it is brought from Mirik, Darjeeling by one of my friend and planted in his garden.

I will check the geographic distribution of Cymbidium tracyanum. I dont have the book of Cymbidium.

Ok, I checked the monograph of Cymbidium by Puy and Cribb and they dont report Cymbidium tracyanum from either India or Nepal.
But this plant is known to be in trade and hence not an odd thing to find in gardens unless someone really collected in wild in India or Nepal.


SK 2425 02 February 2020 : 7 posts by 2 authors. 5 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Godawari Botaical Garden
Date: 24 January 2020
Elevation: 1493m.
Habitat: Cultivated
Which Cymbidium?

This is close to Cymbidium tracyanum


Cymbidium iridioides D. Don: 5 very high res. images.

Location: The Terrace Resort, Lankuri Bhanjyang, Lalitpur
Date: 13 January 2024 
Elevation: 2000 m.
Habit : Cultivated

I think I would like to call this Cymbidium tracyanum.

Is the ID correct ?

Cymbidium ×gammieanum King & Pantl. ???

Yes, appears more closer as per images at
But it may be difficult to say anything due to numerous cultivars.

Please have a look at the two slides attached and you will know.

The picture of C. gammieana is from your link. I dont have an authentic picture of that species/hybrid. The rest of the images are with authentic id.
The GBIF images of what is labeled as Cymbidium tracyanum shared by … is wrong. I think that is C. erythraeum. GBIF plants are not identified by experts most of the time. I just added my id there on GBIF. Hope people would agree to it.
I do not agree with many of those on GBIF unless I check them personally. And, obviously, I do make mistakes too.

This key could be of help. However, there is no gammieanum on the key. It covers three species at least.

I guess you are right …
So, my images are Cymbidium tracyanum, and  the GBIF images from … is C. erythraeum. !

I meant GBIF images coming from iNaturalist are not always identified by experts. Gbif images coming from herbaria across the world are surely identified by experts.