Hippeastrum reginae (L.) Herb., Appendix 31 1821. (syn: Amaryllis alberti Lem.; Amaryllis fulgida Ker Gawl.; Amaryllis reginae L.; Amaryllis reginae var. alberti (Lem.) Traub; Amaryllis spectabilis G.Lodd.; Amaryllis striata var. fulgida (Ker Gawl.) Traub & Moldenke; Aschamia reginae (L.) Salisb.; Hippeastrum africanum Welw. ex Baker; Hippeastrum alberti (Lem.) Burb.; Hippeastrum bulbulosum var. fulgidum (Ker Gawl.) Herb.; Hippeastrum fulgidum (Ker Gawl.) Herb.; Hippeastrum pronum K.Koch; Hippeastrum regium Herb.; Hippeastrum rutilum var. fulgidum (Ker Gawl.) Voss; Hippeastrum spectabile M.Roem.; Hippeastrum stenopetalum A.Dietr.; Lais fulgida (Herb.) Salisb.); .
Seen this plant near Kadra (North karnataka) during end March, 2017. This looks like some Hybrid var. of Hippeastrum… One of the double flower Hippeastrum.. I think Hippeastrum puniceum var. alberti.. Yes, appears so as per the following: For me the ID looks correct: Hippeastrum puniceum. Id is correct as per comparative images at Pacific Bulb society. Seen this plant near Kadra (North karnataka) during end March, 2017. Looks like some lilly.. ID pl.. Pl. Check comparative images in efi site at family page. Btw, beautiful images. Thanks … This looks like some Hybrid var. of Hippeastrum… Could be Hippeastrum puniceum var. alberti.. . Amaryllis Lilies for ID : Nasik : 31OCT20 : AK-58 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Seen at a plant nursery in Nasik. Amaryllis Double Petal? Hippeastrum paniceum Hippeastrum puniceum var. alberti
. References: POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP GBIF (High resolution specimens) Kerala plants Wikipedia Pacific Bulb society Wiktrop hippeastrum species Typicalgardener’s Blog |
Hippeastrum reginae
Updated on December 24, 2024