Begonia griffithiana (A.DC.) Warb., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(6a): 142 1894. (syn: Begonia episcopalis C.B.Clarke; Mezierea griffithiana A.DC.);
Assam; East Himalaya; Myanmar as per Catalogue of Life;

Fwd: Begonia sp? Tohangam,Lohit,Arunachal Pradesh. 3.1.17 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) – 4 Mb each.

Pl. check comparative images in efi at Begonia

Does not seem to match with any comparative images at Begonia

Kindly consult Dr Amad uddin for identification of Indian Begonias. He has revised Begoniaceae in India. His e-mail Id is 

As you have recently published Monograph of North East Indian species, may I request you to pl. assist in the id of this Begonia.

This first plant is Begonia griffithiana (A.DC.) Warb. The long linear leaves, single wing on ovary and male flowers with 4 tepals are nice characters of the species.