Zingiber neotruncatum T.L.Wu, K.Larsen & Turland var. ramsawmii Lalramngh., M.Sawmliana, T.Jayakr. & M.Sabu,, J. Jpn. Bot. 96(6): 321–325 (2021);
Assam (Mizoram) as per POWO;
Common name: Red Narrow-Pinecone Ginger


MS July, 2016/01 Zingiberaceae for ID : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Location : Tamdil, Mizoram
Date : 06/07/2016
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

This is most probably Zingiber sp.

Pl. send the flowers for id.

The flower of the same plant is attached herewith for id
Attachments (2)


Same sp. clicked at Tamdil on 26-07-2017
Attachments (1)

Could it be Alpinia purpurata?

Not Alpinia purpurata as per

It is Zingiber neotruncatum var. ramsawmii H.Lalramnghinglova, M.Sawmliana, T.Jayakrishnan & M.Sabu.
Mizo name: Ai-sen


Correction of MS July,2016/01 Zingiberaceae for ID: 1 pdf
Sir, kindly correct Zingiber neotruncatum to Zingiber neotruncatum var. ramsawmii Lalramgh., M.Sawmliana, T.Jayakr. & M.Sabu

I read the paper. Congratulations to all the authors. Very nice paper on the new species.



A New Variety of Zingiber neotruncatum (Zingiberaceae) from Mizoram, North East India– Lalramngh., M.Sawmliana, T.Jayakr. & M.Sabu,, J. Jpn. Bot. 96(6): 321–325 (2021) (Abstract: A new variety of Zingiber neotruncatum T.L.Wu, K.Larsen & Turland (Zingiberaceae) from
Mizoram, North East India, is described here as Z. neotruncatum var. ramsawmii Lalramngh.,
M.Sawmliana, T.Jayakr. & M.Sabu. A detailed description, distribution and ecology along
with colour photographs are provided for easy identification.)

POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  Flora of China  gingersofindia  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  IUCN Red List (LC) Zingiber neotruncatum (Zingiberaceae): A new distributional … – IAAT (pdf)  A new species of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) from Nagaland, India …