Canistrum superbum (Lindm.) Mez, Fl. Bras. 3(3): 621 1891 (syn: Canistrum cruentum F.Muell.; Nidularium superbum (Lindm.) Ule; Nidularium wawreanum Mez; Wittrockia superba Lindm.);
Brazil South; Brazil Southeast as per Catalogue of Life;
Bromeliad for ID : Kenya : 05OCT16 : AK-5 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) This ornamental looks very close to Painted Fingernail Bromeliad, Neoregelia spectabilis.
But all the ones I found in my search have rounded leaves at the tip where as these had a pointed one.
Experts kindly advice.
Could this be Aechmea ampla?
The closest match i could find was Wittrockia superba.
Canistrum superbum could be the right name.