Solandra maxima (Moc. & Sessé) P. S. Green, Bot. Mag. 176: t. 506 (1967) (syn: Datura maxima Moc. & Sessé ex Dunal; Datura maxima Sessé & Moc.); . Mexico to Colombia: Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Nicaragua, Panamá; Introduced into: Canary Is., Cook Is., Ecuador, Fiji, Madeira, Mauritius, Norfolk Is., Spain, Venezuela as per POWO; . Venezuela (Aragua, Distrito Federal), Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz), Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia (Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Santander), Ecuador, Fiji (I), New Caledonia (I), Norfolk Isl. (I), Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) as per CoL; .. Keys available in attachment at efi thread (along with difference between Solandra grandiflora and Solandra maxima) . Request Plant (Climber) Id – 001: Solandra grandiflora, Solandra nitida Solandra grandiflora & Solandra nitida Zuccagni are different species as per The Plant List: Cup of Gold (Solandra maxima) http://www.flowersofindia.Cup%20of%20Gold.html Taking it as Solandra grandiflora in view of discussions at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18 However, BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. . SOLANACEAE: Solandra maxima (Sessé & Moc.) P.S. Green from Hong Kong: no images available now. Solandra maxima (Sessé & Moc.) P.S. Green Bot. Mag. 176(3): t. 506 t. 506 1967. Synonym: Datura maxima Sessé & Moç. Solandra hartwegii C.F. Ball Solandra hartwegii N.E. Br. Solandra nitida Zuccagni Solandra selerae Dammer ex Loes. Swartsia nitida (Zuccagni) Standl. Family: Solanaceae. Present pic taken inside KFBG, Hong Kong. Its a giant climber bearing big flowers. Pics were taken from Nikon prosumer camera P500 and its too dark here today so they are not good. Climber for ID – 161012 – RK3: Solandra grandiflora yes Golden Chalice vine may be BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. Solandra maxima :: Lalbagh Botanical Gardens :: 19 FEB 2017 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Bangalore Date: 19 FEB 2017 … Altitude: ~ 906 m (2972 ft) asl Solandra maxima (Moc. & Sessé ex Dunal) P.S.Green … (family: Solanaceae) … exotic Taking it as Solandra grandiflora in view of discussions at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18 However, BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Date: 24 March 2015 Altitude: 4400 ft. Taking it as Solandra grandiflora in view of discussions at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18 Ok … However, BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. According to the latest checklist for Nepal S. guttata D.Don is listed as introduced sp. Is this the only species of Solandra listed ? Yes That may not be correct as publication attached by … says ‘ According to our data, three species belong to the list of cultivated plants, i.e. S. grandiflora, S. longiflora and S. maxima‘. Further keys from Bernardello, L. M. & Hunziker, A. T. 1987. A synoptical revision of Solandra (Solanaceae). – Nord. J. Bot. 7: 63M52 are: 4. ‘Calyx and leaves velvety pubescent, mainly in the abaxial surface, with branched and simple trichomes from 25-70 μm. Corolla infundibuliform. …………. 4. S. guttata’ (This can not be checked in your image). 4. Calyx and leaves usually glabrous. Corolla infundibuliform or cyathiform [In S. nizandensis, the calyx is glabrous but the abaxial surface of the leaves may show simple trichomes at both sides of the midrib. Exceptionally, the calyx and leaves of S. grandifora have simple or branched hairs from 60-500 μm, but the corolla is cyathiform]. ………… 5 …………………… 8. Anthers (9)10&13 mm long. Maximum width of the corolla 8-13 cm. Calyx 5-8 cm long, usually shorter than the cylindrical basal region of the corolla tube. Corolla greenish yellow to dark yellow. Calyx and leaves glabrous ………. 7. S. maxima 8. Anthers 7-10 mm long. Maximum width of the corolla 6-7.5(8.5) cm. Calyx (6.5)7-10.5 cm long, usually as long as the cylindrical basal region of the corolla tube. Corolla greenish-white to yellow. Calyx and leaves glabrous, rarely with scattered simple hairs, and exceptionally with many branched and simple trichomes. ……. 8. S. grandiflora Pl. confirm the id. of the photos enclosed. This was taken during 2006. from BSI Garden at Yercad. Date/Time-Location- Some time 2006/2007, Yercad, BSI Orchidarium Habitat- Garden Plant Habit- Tree Taking it as Solandra grandiflora in view of discussions at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18 Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. Indonesian Flower 4: – this is not alamanda – Hard to distinguish between Solandra longiflora and Solandra maxima. Taking it as Solandra grandiflora in view of discussions at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18 However, BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. Thanks, …, I researched on this subject on net. Most of our observations so far in efi site are of Solandra maxima including those at FOI. I could not find differences between the two on net. However, I could only find these references from literature on net on both these species: Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986)- Details: Solandra grandiflora Flora Indica; or Descriptions of Indian plants … Edited by W. Carey … To … By William Roxburgh (1874): Solandra grandiflora From Floral Database of Tamilnadu :
In view, I feel that we should go Solandra grandiflora Sw. for all our posts, until some other recent literature proves that our plant stated earlier was misidentified in above mentioned literatures. Request feedback from others to sort out this matter. A comparison between the two species is here in the attached paper, if somebody wants to sort it out. Attachments (1)- Solandra-bernardello1987.pdf- 1 MB. BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. . Solandra maxima in FOI : 3 posts by 1 author. I think we should take Solandra maxima in FOI in view of discussions at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18 Corrected now. However, BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. Yes …, In view of the calyx being much shorter than the narrow lower portion of the flower (in the images on FOI), it agrees with Solandra maxima. … images too show the same characteristic. I have attached an illustration of Solandra grandiflora from POWO for comparison. Yes Location : Sentosa , Singapore Date : 18 October 2012 Altitude 131 m. Habit : Cultivated Solandra grandiflora Sw. ?? Attachments (1) – 2 mb. To me also appears close to images at However, BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this. Solandra Species : Lalbagh Botanical Garden , Bangalore : 11APR19 : AK-3 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) This would be Solandra grandiflora as per the discussions on Eflora? Can you kindly confirm? Yes ! BSI Flora of India Checklist lists only Solandra maxima (Sesse & Moc.) P.S.Green (syn. Solandra grandiflora sensu Deb). POWO says ‘It is a scrambling shrub and grows primarly in the seasonally dry tropical biome(s)’ and CoL gives its introduction in Mauritius (I), Sri Lanka (I) (vs ‘It is a epiphyte and grows primarly in the wet tropical biome(s)’ for Solandra grandiflora Sw. by POWO). Keys given in the attached document by … at Solandra grandiflora FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 10 MAY 18, also support this.
Solandra maxima (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024