Elatostema heyneanum (Wedd.) Hallier.f., Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 13: 316 (1896). (syn: Pellionia heyneana Wedd.; Procris heyneana Wall.);
S. India, Sri Lanka, China (Yunnan, N. Guangxi) to Indo-China: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand as per POWO;
China (N-Guangxi, Yunnan), Cambodia, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand as per Catalogue of Life;

ID KANNUR 0502 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 6 Mb.
Please identify this herb with weak and fleshy stem, slightly creeping, with rooted basal nodes, collected from Kannur, Kerala, on 5th May, 2018

Just wild guess!
Elatostema related sp. ??


Procris pedunculata (J. R. & G. Forst.) Wedd, H.Schröter  ??


ANNOV26/26 Please identify this shrub : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Date: 13th September 2015
Place: Thattekad Bird Sancturary, Kerala
Habit: Small Shrub
Habitat: Disturbed wet deciduous/semi-evergreen forest

Elatostema acuminata?…..

Elatostema species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Thank you sir, but the inflorescence type doesn’t seem to match.

On checking all the types listed in Flora of peninsular India (3.9.19), only option left is Elatostema wightii
I could not find any details and images etc. on net except for little description in Kerala Plants
After perusing it, I think it may be Elatostema wightii list as Near extinct in GBIF.
Pl. give your feedback, if any.

Ok, I will check.

Sorry for the mistake.
NE stands for Not evaluated and not Near Extinct.

Did you check the genus Pellionia?

Pl see this link for the type image of Elatostema wightii  
and there is fairly a good description available in Flora of British India and it is the protologue of this species. But the photographs attached with your mail is not an Elatostema, it is Pellionia heyneana
See below the protologue of of E.wightii appeared in FBI.


ID Kannur 25/4/22: 1 image.
Please identify this herb from a riparian zone, Kannur, Kerala. Collection date 25/4/18

Any more images?

No sir……sorry.

Pellionia heyneana




POWO  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  Catalogue of Life  BSI Flora of India  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Flora of peninsular India