Cleistanthus travancorensis Jabl. var. jaleelianus E.Girish & Sunoj kr., June 2020, Rheedea 30(2):278-281;


ID KANNUR 0501: 19 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

Please identify this riparian shrub from Kannur district of Kerala collected on 21st May 2018.

I identified this same image posted in Facebook as a Cleistanthus (Phyllanthaceae) and likely to be C. patulus.

thank you sir.

Cleistanthus patulus leaves is orbicular- ovate and Fruit Slightly lobed;

I think Glochidion or other Euphorbiaceae family member.

Unfortunately the image is of low resolution and we can not observe the indumentum, if any. However, if this is Phyllanthaceae then I can think of no genus other than Cleistanthus with such infructescence pattern and the typical fruits but the leave are broad and lacking typical cauda or acumen characteristic of the genus. However, this could be C. pallidus as well, a Sri Lankan endemic. If further high resolution images are uploaded and flowering specimens can be traced out then further observations can be made.

yes I agree with …, it is not glochidion; the leaf is not clear, the leaf is not ovate orbicular in Cleistanthus patulus, orbicular in Cleistanthus collinus

I could not find a match with any of the existing species available in efi site at Cleistanthus 

Sorry…..l will collect the specimen once more and check the details and will inform you in time.. extremely sorry..

It looks like Glochidion sp.

I think it is Cleistanthus malabaricus or C. travancorensis.
Flowers are required. Also, was it a large tree with thick vegetation with pale grey or whitish bark?
Please mention the altitude as well. These two species are rare.

Most probably the later.

I attach here the photos of the same plant which can be zoomed. This will solve our identification process, I think. The plant is not a tree but a large shrub of about 2 metre with morphological similarity with Mallotus in habit. It is riparian in nature and the altitude of the location is about 30 feet


Attachments (1) – 5 MB

This may be a new species of Cleistanthus (not Glochidion).

This has been published as a new variety jaleelianus of Cleistanthus travancorensis in Rheedea, June 2020 Rheedea 30(2):278-281


A new variety- posted in 2018 and published in 2020
This was discussed in 2018 at ID KANNUR 0501 (posted by Girish ji) and published in 2020 as per details at Cleistanthus travancorensis var. jaleelianus (by Girishi and Sunoj ji).
Posting just for inf. pl.

A new variety of Cleistanthus (Phyllanthaceae) from southern Western Ghats, India – SUNOJKUMAR PURAYIDATHKANDY  and June 2020, Rheedea 30(2):278-281