SK1242 29 JUNE 2018 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Location:  Kalimpong, WB, India
Date: 15 May 2018
Altitude: 4100 ft.
Habit : Wild 
Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw. or some other sp ?

leaflets are totally different from your suggested id

I also thought so …!

Well not really so and definitely not “totally different” (without mentioning the only other possibility?!), as it’s a young immature frond and sterile leaflets.  I did wonder if it is not juvenile L. flexuosum – the only other possibility – also abundantly common, but the photos are totally inadequate, so it is not worth bothering much with.

so nice to hear from you.
i wonder if juvenile leaflets are soooo very different from the mature ones and so far apart.
not a fern expert by any means