Protea cynaroides (L.) L. (syn: Erodendrum cynaraeflorum Knight; Leucadendron cynaroides L.; Protea cyclophylla Gandoger & Schinz; Protea cynaroides f. cyclophylla Gandoger; Protea cynaroides f. eriolepis Gandoger; Protea eriolepis Gandoger & Schinz; Protea petiolata Buek ex Meissn.; Scolymocephalus cynaroides (L.) Kuntze);
South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.) as per Catalogue of Life;


Fwd: Photo from Jampanicsrao Rao : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
ID please

Thanks, … When and where was it clicked ?

not knowing the place where he took these pictures, it was nice to let my fancy take a flight….
seems the member went to New Zealand or Australia, where these are readily seen.
this is very popular in several of their parks and hiking trails
a plant from south africa originally though
proteas are very popular and expensive cutflower in the trade, including in India
this is the KING WHITE PORTEA or sometimes called ARCTIC ICE in the bud form, not opened yet
Binomial…… Protea cynaroides
one such readily seen place on the internet is on the north island called
the Henui walkway on the north island up the west coast from Wellington
this site will also give one the lowdown on the various useful, not so useful, weedy plants species they like or dont like in new zealand
about the place where found this etc…

so how does the information i gave you help you or the whats app group you belong to. tell me that. i really would like to know.. thanks. please tell me

I am very much delighted to receive the information from efloraofindia. learnt so much of information and shared that to many people.
the link which given in these columns is used for sharing the information in the whatsapp.

I was really surprised when I recd the same picture today on WhatsApp through a friend asking for its id.

Yes. I replied based on the suggested id given by you.


Protea cynaroides Another Beauty from California-GS28042022-3: 1 high res. image.
Though I have already submitted my Best Flora Photograph to celebrate 15 years of completion of efloraofindia, here is another beauty:
Protea cynaroides (L.) L., aptly called King Protea or Giant ProteaThe king protea is the national flower[of South Africa. It also is the flagship of the Protea Atlas Project, run by the South African National Botanical Institute.
Photographed from San Francisco Botanical Garden on 2-6-2019.