Micropera rostrata (Roxb.) N.P.Balakr., J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 67: 66 1970. (syn: Aerides rostrata Roxb.; Camarotis purpurea Lindl.; Camarotis rostrata (Roxb.) Rchb.f.; Micropera purpurea (Lindl.) Pradhan; Sarcochilus purpureus (Lindl.) Benth. ex Hook.f.);
Arunachal Pradesh to Bangladesh as per WCSP;
Climbing, epiphytic herbs. Stem simple or branching, up to 1 m long,erect stem carrying distichous, internodes to about 2 cm long, bearing many support roots at intervals. Oblong-linear, emarginate leaves that blooms in the fall and early winter on an axillary to lateral, arching to 8″ [to 20 cm] long ; Inflorescence lateral, leaf-opposed, bending through a right angle so the rachis points either straight up or straight down, racemose, to c. 15 cm long, few- to many-flowered. Flowers usually non-resupinate, fleshy, usually purple, 2 cm. Sepals oblong or obovate, obtuse, often reflexed, lateral sepals connate for a short distance at base. Petals linearobovate or oblong, obtuse, often reflexed. Labellum porrect, saccate, spurred, apex trilobed, midlobe much smaller than sac or spur; spur saccate, with a back wall callus. Moist places, forested areas
India: Central India, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland; Myanmar, Thailand
(Attributions- Compiled from secondary sources listed in references by Kishor Deka for the Assam Biodiversity Portal project as per India Biodiversity Portal)
MS June, 2018/27 Orchidaceae for ID : 10 posts by 4 authors. Location : Reiek, Mizoram
Date : 30-06-2018
Habit : Epiphytic herb
Habitat : Wild/cultivated
Pholidota articulata may be? I dont see any pic of the link or on eflora!!
Yes. Attachments are missing.
Wow, that’s very rare thing to see…. MICROPERA ROSTRATA.
Is it wild? Thanks a lot for sharing.
I guess the attachment is of different plant.