Euonymus frigidus Wall., Fl. Ind. 2: 409 1824. (syn: Euonymus amygdalifolius Franch.; Euonymus austro-tibetanus Y.R. Li; Euonymus burmanicus Merrill; Euonymus crinitus Pamp.; Euonymus crinitus var. minor Pamp.; Euonymus dasydictyon Loes. & Rehder; Euonymus fugongensis Y.R.Li; Euonymus gongshanensis Y.R.Li; Euonymus porphyreus Loes.; Euonymus porphyreus var. angustifolius L.C. Wang & X.G. Sun; Euonymus porphyreus var. ellipticus Blakelock; Euonymus pygmaeus W. W. Smith; Euonymus roseoperulatus Loes.);
Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Sagaing), N-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh (Kumaon), West Bengal, Meghalaya), Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, China
(Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Ningxia, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet
as per Catalogue of Life;




SK1222 22 JUNE 2018 : 21 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (9)- around 600 kb each. 

Location: Jaubari, Sandakphu, India
Date: 13 May 2018
Altitude: 10000 ft.
Habit : Wild

I think this may be any Euonymous sp.

Thank you … for the lead.
Euonymus porphyreus Loes.   ??? 

This is certainly Euonymus.

The flowers are 4-merous as well as 5-merous in the same image. 
This is matching with Euonymus theifolius Wall. ex M.A. Lawson. The flowers are recorded to be 4-merous in literature!
Wonderful capture. The altitude is also almost matching.
Please check.

I am still not sure about the ID and think that it is  more close to Euonymus porphyreus Loes.
keeping in mind length of Peduncle and flower color.  Enclosing links for your kind reference.

However, not much reference is found in the web.

Euonymus porphyreus Loes. = E. frigidus

Euonymus frigidus Wall. ex Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 409. 1824; Lawson in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1: 611. 1875; Long in Grierson & Long, Fl. Bhutan 2(1): 119. 1991; Ramamurthy in N.P. Singh et al., Fl. India 5: 99. 2000.


Key to the varieties


Leaves oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate

4.1. var.  frigidus


Leaves willow-like (narrowly lanceolate-oblong)

4.2. var. elongatus


4.1. var. frigidus

Nep.: Chure lahara.

Evergreen shrubs or  trees up to 4 m high; branchlets smooth. Leaves  distant, coriaceous, oblong-elliptic to oblaneolate, 4 – 13 x 1.5 – 3.5 cm, acuminate at apex, cuneate at base,  irregularly serrulate along margins; lateral nerves 8 – 12 per side,  smooth beneath; petioles  5 – 11 mm long.  Cymes axillary, slender, 4 – 9 cm long, usually 7-flowered.  Flowers 4-merous, 5 – 6 mm in diam.  Calyx lobes ca 0.8 mm long. Petals brownish-crimson, broadly ovate or suborbicular, 2.5 – 3 mm long.  Anthers  sessile, minute, 1-celled. Capsules subglobose, fleshy, 1 – 2.5 cm across, red on ripening, weakly 4-lobed, with 4 short rounded spur-like wings between lobes at base.

Fl. & Fr. : May – Oct.

In moist broad-leaved and Hemlock/Rhododendron forests; 600 – 3100 m.

            Specimens examined:  Bakhim, 19 May 1960, Hara et al. 6580 (CAL).  Yakche, 16 Oct. 1869, Clarke 10023 B (CAL).  Rongpo, May 1878, King s.n., herb. acc. no. 85257 (CAL).


4. 2. var. elongatus Cowan and Cowan, Trees N. Bengal 35. 1929.  Euonymus frigidus  forma  elongatus (Cowan & Cowan) Hara in Fl. E. Himal. 89. 1966.


Differs from var. frigidus in its very narrow willow-like 7 – 16 x 0.6 – 2 cm, acuminate, more distantly serrulate  leaves.

Fl. & Fr. : May – August.

In scrubs and mossy coniferous forests; 2200 – 3000 m.

            Specimens examined:  Tingloo, 3 Aug. 1862, T. Anderson 379 (CAL).  Lachen, 17 May 1945, K. Biswas 6636 (CAL).

Note.: Leaves become narrower at higher altitudes.

Attachments (3)

Now see E. theifolius and please see the conspicuously raised lateral nerves similar to your image.  Now decide.
Attachments (2)

Please check at the link for the original material of E. porphyreus. Here it seems to be a distinct species, showing one collection from Nepal.

Now if you think that this is E. porphyreus then this should be a new record for India!
Please enlarge the images by clicking on them and then decide.

The identification issue is over. This is Euonymus porphyreus Loes. as pointed out by … and this forms a new record for India as pointed out by me. After seeing the original material of this species in the Edinburgh Herbarium, I confirmed the conclusion of …
Next issue is formal reporting of the species from India and this can be done by … If he has collected specimen then he can write a good note (paper) on it and publish in Journal of Japanese Botany or Edinburgh Journal of Botany or to any other suitable Journal. 
If he has not collected any specimen, then he has to go back to the exact locality and collect specimens. 
Looking forward for a good publication on this by

Thank you  for the ID validation … Blunder, no specimen.

Some differences I would like to bring to your notice.
Image posted in the efloras of Euonymus frigidus Wall. does not seem matching with my post..

Thanks a lot, …, for the interesting discussions.
After perusing all details discussed in this thread, I also feel it is more closer to Euonymus frigidus Wall. syn. Euonymus porphyreus Loes.
Images at eflora seems to show it in different condition and time period.

It was a great experience sharing knowledge with experts 

and gaining knowledge. Wish I could have brought the specimen. Thank you … once again.