Philodendron × domesticum G.S.Bunting, Baileya 14: 89 1966.;


Fwd: Plant for identification 200618 SR (mixed thread): 17 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)- 1 Mb each.

Alocasia Species???

Attached photograph

Is this Species is Alocasia boyceana

…, it is Philodendron species and not Alocasia. May be Philodendron billietiae or Philodendron melanochrysum or
Philodendron mexicanum or some related species.

A kind of Philodendron?

To me it looks closer to Philodendron domesticum.


SK1312 23 JUL 2018 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- around 700 kb each.
Location : Balkhu, Lalitpur, Nepal
Elevation : 4200 ft.
Date : 25 May 2018
Habit : Cultivated
Which Araceae is this ?

Thanks, …, Pl. check comparative images at at family page in efi site.

Pl. check at

Did not find any match !

It could be P.subhastatum.

Thank you …! I guess it is matching. Philodendron subhastatum K.Krause

Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight _ Araceae 03 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).

mailing the photos of Philodendron Sp. Pleas identify.

Philodendron–  some‎ species in eFIoraofindia & India (with details/ keys from regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc. where ever available) 

Third photograph   from the top left (clockwise) looks like  Philodendron erubescens.  Blushing Philodendron, Redleaf Philodendron
Please check this link: Top tropicals

I am talking of the last two images only.



References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved) WCSP  IPNI