Castilleja linariifolia Benth., Prodr. 10: 532 1846. (syn: Castilleja candens Durand & Hilg.; Castilleja fulgens Nutt. ex A. Gray; Castilleja linariifolia var. omnipubescens (Pennell) Clokey; Castilleja linariifolia f. omnipubescens Pennell; Castilleja linearis Rydb.; Castilleja trainii Edwin);



Plant id from Canada : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Id requested from Banff, Canada
Clicked by friend.
A small shrub along roadside



Indian Paintbrush: Castilleja sp. from Yellowstone National Park USA:

Observed this Herb around 3feet high at many places Jun 2012.
Yellowstone National Park USA
I think this is Indian Paintbrush
Castilleja miniata or Castilleja applegatei
Please opine.

yes, …, may be the thin leaf variety…
what else was growing with it in that meadow?

Castilleja linariifolia Benth.  ??
