Thelypteris nudata (Roxb.) C.V.Morton, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 38: 352 (1974) as per POWO; . Pronephrium nudatum (Roxb. ex Griff.) Holtt., Blumea 20(1): 111 1972. (syn: Abacopteris multilineata (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching; Aspidium moulmeinense (Bedd.) Christ; Aspidium multilineatum (Wall. ex Hook.) Christ; Christella moulmeinensis (Bedd.) H. Lév.; Cyclosorus clarkei (Sarn.Singh & Panigrahi) Mazumdar & R.Mukhop.; Cyclosorus jerdonii Ching; Cyclosorus moulmeinensis (Bedd.) Tardieu & C. Chr.; Cyclosorus multilineatus (Wall. ex Hook.) Tardieu & C. Chr.; Cyclosorus nudatus (Roxb.) B. Nayar & Kaur; Dryopteris moulmeinensis (Bedd.) C. Chr.; Goniopteris multilineata (Wall. ex Hook.) Bedd.; Nephrodium moulmeinense Bedd.; Phegopteris multilineata (Wall. ex Hook.) Luerss.; Pneumatopteris nudata (Roxb.) Punetha & Kholia; Pneumatopteris nudata var. minor Punetha & Kholia; Polypodium multilineatum Wall. ex Hook.; Polypodium nudatum Roxb. ex Griff.; Pronephrium clarkei Sarn. Singh & Panigrahi; Pronephrium nudatum (Roxb.) P.Chandra (ambiguous synonym); Pronephrium nudatum var. minor (Punetha & Kholia) P. C. Pande & H. C. Pande; Thelypteris celebornii Christenh.; Thelypteris multilineata (Wall. ex Hook.) Morton; Thelypteris multilineata var. bhutanica N.C.Nair; Thelypteris nudata (Roxb.) C. V. Morton); . Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan, Guizhou) and Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO; . India (Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam State, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jarkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttarakhand, West Bengal), Jammu & Kashmir, Myanmar [Burma], Thailand (widespread), N-Vietnam, Nepal, Bangladesh, China (Yunnan, Guizhou), Tibet as per Catalogue of Life; . PM 7-8-2018 Fern id from Chandigarh : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) A small erect plant commony grown in gardens as an ornamnetal I think it may be some Cyclosorus sp but i am not sure. Please help Clicked in a garden at Chandigarh Date- 1-8-2018 is it Cyclosorus cyatheoides???? That’s Thelypteris nudata (syn. Pronephrium nudatum) – Cyclosorus is confined to the small T. interrupta group, only one in India. It is native. .
Ah, no, Thelypteris (Meniscium) serrata is a Central American species from Cuba and the Caribbean – nothing to do with Asia. Wonder how you found that name? – not in any Asian fern books! One needs to see the well-known literature on Indian ferns, not some random website somewhere with American ferns. This is almost certainly Thelypteris (Pronephrium) nudata, common throughout India, also Myanmar, Thailand etc. – it pops up in many places and is very common and widespread. Personally I did not know of it from the Andamans, so I’m afraid I missed A. & N. out from the Annotated Checklist of Indian Pteridophytes vol. 1 (2016). I haven’t got my copy of Dr. Dixit & Sinha’s Fern Flora of the Andman & Nicobar islands here with me to check if they noticed it, but that work was pretty poor, incomplete and many misidentifications – nevertheless it would be worth checking to see. I wrote a note in my copy of IC 1, but now the three volumes of the Checklist are all published I won’t be writing on that any time.. If you have more substantial things to say about Andaman ferns, it could be added to paper on your collections and the fern-flora there. If you could look it up in all the important literature, you could see if anyone mentioned it from there before – and check Kew’s website, and Schaffer-Fehre’s account in Handb. Flora Sri Lanka etc. etc. for range, plus Sledge’s Thelypteridaceae of Ceylon for range. See if anyone mentioned the Andamans (also Hooker’s Species Filicum (but probably under Neprodium multilineatum there). . References: POWO |
Thelypteris nudata
Updated on December 24, 2024