SK1357 07 AUG 2018 : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 800 kb each.
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Altitude : 6000 ft.
Date: 18 July 2018
Habit : Wild You can look it up on page 354 of Taxonomic Revision of 300 Indian Subcontiental Pteridophytes (2008), bearing in mind that since then Araiostegia has been found to be a synonym of Davallodes and the genus is either that (if prefereed) or Katoella.
…. I suggest to consult the national herbarium and Dr. Dhan Raj Kandel, Nepal’s pteridologist.
This is Araiostegia sps. Thank you …! Araiostegia pulchra (D. Don.) Copel ?? Noted with thanks. I will verify
Araiostegia sp Araiostegia pulchra (D. Don) Copel. ??? |