
Fwd: ARTEMISIA VULGARIS : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Attaching a collage of Artemisia vulgaris (INDIAN WORMWOOD/ NAGDOANA). I saw this plant for the first time at Tezpur in 2002 next meeting was at Binnaguri in 2004. I found a bush here other day. I intend to upload flowers once the plant is in bloom.

How did you identify it ? Was it cultivated ?

I’am not very sure that it’s A.vulgaris. Leaves don’t seem to match.
We should have more images…

Attachments (1) – illustration

It is not cultivated. It is growing on the road side. I saw it at Binnaguri in 2004 and In Tezpur in 2001.

Those were also road side plant. Scientists at Defence Research Laboratory ( D R L ) at Tezpur told me it was Artemisia vulgaris.

1: the leaf should be silvery on the undersurface, esp the older leaves
2: the flowers are scented

Leaves in this case are silvery.

On crushing leaves emits a distinctive smell.

I will wait for the flowers. The place is at a distance, but I go to that area on bi cycle at times.

please dont jeopardize your  health, no need to take the bicycle there. you dont have to prove it, i had agreed with you already.
heres a pdf that shows the difference between artemesia vulgaris and cosmos caudatus

the link is good and for good measure the pdf file is also included

Attachments (1) – Cosmos-caudatus-and-Artemisia-vulgaris-Jul-2016.pdf

Thank you … I have seen this cosmos in the wild.

Leaves of Artemesia has a distinct smell.

i know you know, … this was just to have it in the thread


ARTEMISIA VULGARIS : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)