Sida alii (Pakistan)

Sida alii Abedin, Pakistan J. Bot. 11: 46 1979.;

Pakistan as per Catalogue of Life;



Id please..which species of Sida? scrub forest Punajb Pakistan..Thankyou : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)- around 700 kb each. 

Please check Sida ovata

Thank you Sir. however i am still confused.

Did you cross check ?

why are you confused?

Yes  i checked, the confusion is between Sida ovata and Sida alii actually. Plant is collected from jhelum district of Punjab and has yellow flowers in accordance with S.alii however i dont have specimen at this time. that why will check in next week
Sida alii in Flora of Pakistan @

1. so if you have a definitive paper, what’s the problem, go with their name and label your plant as such. and talk to the authors, send them your plant pic or herbarium sheet. 

2. plant list does not seem to even have the name on their list. that really is not a bad thing,  means question would be open. the authors of the paper you refer to should take up the question with the authorities. for that classification to be accepted.

To me also appear close to illustration of Sida alii var. alii at
compared to images of Sida ovata in efi site.


Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI
 GBIF (with high resolution specimens) Flora of Pakistan  FOP illustration

Updated on December 24, 2024

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