Dracocephalum wallichii Sealy, Bot. Mag. 164: t. 9657 1944. (syn: Dracocephalum calanthum C.Y.Wu [Illegitimate]; Dracocephalum speciosum Benth. [Illegitimate]; Dracocephalum wallichii var. wallichii ; Ruyschiana wallichii House);
Common name: Wallich’s Dragonhead
Himalaya to SC. China as per WCSP;
East Himalaya; Nepal; Tibet; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;


Dracocephalum wallichii submission : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)- around 300 kb each. 

Here’s new submission to efloraofindia.
Dracocephalum wallichii
Wallich’s Dragonhead
Family – Lamiaceae
Id help – Nidhan Singh sir
Photographed at Rohtang ,Himachal Pradesh
Altitude – 3500meters approx.
August 2018

Any habit image? Superb details. Thanks, …

Sorry … i don’t have any habit image but I think … have photographed habit images during our visit to Rohtang.





Dracocephalum wallichii from Rohtang.. : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)- 1 mb or more. 

Here am sharing some images of Dracocephalum wallichii taken in August 2018.