Begonia adscendens C.B.Clarke, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 25: 26 1889. ;

Assam to Myanmar, S. Laos as per WCSP;

Location : Lurh, mizoram

Date : 03-10-2018
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
Mizo : Sekhupthur 

Thanks, … Do you have any other images? 

Same Begonia
Attachments (1)- 796 kb. 

Attachments (1)- 384 kb. 

Attachments (1)- 209 kb. 

Attachments (1)- 212 kb. 

I think this may be Begonia adscendens.


Collection of Begonia adscendens C.B. Clarke (Begoniaceae) after more than 100 years from Esii Hill, Manipur, India (2008- Abstract- Begonia adscendens C. B. Clarke is collected after a gap of 116 years from Esii Hill, near Dzuko Valley, Manipur. This collection is the only one after the type specimen collected by C. B. Clarke in 1887. This species occurs in small patches in Manipur-Nagaland along India-Myanmar border and is endemic. It is described and illustrated.)