Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch, Begonien 130 1933.;



SK1690 02 Jan 2019 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 7 mb.

Location : Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA
Date : 27 October 2013
Altitude  0 ft.
Habit : Cultivated
Which Begonia sp.?

Attachments (1)- 6 mb. 

hybrid, winter flowering wax begonias are many. dont know the antecedents.

Most of wax begonias are used for low growing habit bedding rows, and have bright green leaves.

your pic seems to match that and many are developed to be indoor winter flowering houseplants.
owner of this plant will know the label that it came with from the gift shop or the nursery in NY 

Thank you …!
It is from old collection as such not much information is available.

Begonia x hiemalis