Muhlenbergia capillaris (Lam.) Trin., Gram. Unifl. Sesquifl. 191 1824. (syn: Agrostis setosa Willd. ex Trin. [Invalid]; Muhlenbergia capillaris var. capillaris ; Muhlenbergia polypogon (DC.) Trin.; Muhlenbergia polypogon (DC.) Kunth; Muhlenbergia trichodes Steud.; Podosemum agrostideum (P.Beauv.) P.Beauv.; Podosemum agrostideum P. Beauv. ex Spreng.; Podosemum capillare (Lam.) Desv.; Stipa capillaris Lam.; Stipa diffusa Walter; Tosagris agrostidea P.Beauv.; Trichochloa capillaris (Lam.) DC.; Trichochloa polypogon DC.);
C. & E. U.S.A. to Guatemala, Caribbean as per WCSP;
Alabama; Arkansas; Bahamas; Connecticut; Cuba; Delaware; District of Columbia;
Florida; Georgia; Guatemala; Illinois; Indiana; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maryland; Masachusettes; Mexico Central; Mexico Gulf; Mexico Northeast; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Mississippi; Missouri; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Oklahoma; Pennsylvania; Puerto Rico; South Carolina; Tennessee; Texas; Virginia; West Virginia as per Catalogue of Life;
Poaceae for ID : Atlanta,Georgia : 09JAN19 : AK-6 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Ornamental Grass seen in Atlanta in October,2018.
Images not very clear due to low light.
Muhlenbergia capillaris even in bright light you would not see them better. hairy mess in pink. … answer is correct |