Polygala abyssinica R.Br. ex Fresen. in Mus. Senck. 2:273. 1837. Bennett, l.c.202; Collett. l.c. 44; Bamber, l.c. 283. Jafri, l.c. 190; Quraishi and Khan, l.c. 97. (syn: Polygala abyssinica var. gerardiana (Hassk.) ChodatPolygala adoensis Hochst. ex A.Rich.; Polygala cernua Eckl. & Zeyh.; Polygala gerardiana Wall. ex Hassk.; Polygala pedunculata Harv.; Polygala scabra Edgew.);
Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), India (Himachal Pradesh, Indian Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan), Nepal, Pakistan (Sind, Karachi, Baluchistan, Quetta, Waziristan, Kurram, Chitral, Swat), Afghanistan (Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman, Nangarhar, Paktia / Khost, Parwan), Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Socotra, Yemen (Aden Desert, W-Yemen, SE-Yemen: coastal Hadhramaut, Inner Yemen), Saudi Arabia (Asir, Dahana, E-Saudi Arabia, N-Saudi Arabia, Nejd), Oman (Mascat & Oman) as per Catalogue of Life;

Polygala abyssinica R.Br. ex Fresen. in Mus. Senck. 2:273. 1837

syn: Polygala gerardiana Wall. ex Hassk.
Perennial herb with woody rootstock, branches slender, ascending; leaves linear up to 3 cm long; flowers purple in terminal racemes; bracts deciduous; sepals persistent, outer 3 unequal with hyaline margin, inner enlarged in fruit, 3-veined; petals 3, 2 lateral much shorter than crested keel; capsule ovate, notched, narrowly winged.
Photographed from Chakrata and Chakrata Tiger fall road, mostly growing among dry rocks, photographed in September.

Flora of Chakrata 2013:: Polygala abyssinica for validation: Attachments (5). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Please validate the id of this small herb with narrow, linear leaves…
was also shot and identified from the area during one of the earlier visits…

I hope this can be Polygala abyssinica R. Br.

It looks me Polygala abyssinica


Polygala hottentotta C.Presl, Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss. ser. 5, 3: 445. 1845 [Jul-Dec 1845]

Syn: Polygala abyssinica R.Br. ex Fresen.;
Polygala gerardiana Wall. ex Hassk.
Perennial herb with woody rootstock, branches slender, ascending; leaves linear up to 3 cm long; flowers purple in terminal racemes; bracts deciduous; sepals persistent, outer 3 unequal with hyaline margin, inner enlarged in fruit, 3-veined; petals 3, 2 lateral much shorter than crested keel; capsule ovate, notched, narrowly winged.

Photographed from Chakrata and Chakrata Tiger fall road, mostly growing among dry rocks, photographed in September and from Kud, J & K in July

Nice find and beautiful photographs..


Polygala hottentotta in FOI : 2 posts by 1 author.
Images of Polygala hottentotta in FOI by … should be of Polygala abyssinica as per images and details herein.
Polygala hottentotta Presl has no distribution in India as per Catalogue of life.
Pl. correct.

Corrected now.


ID(ID-DKB140) : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Plant from smriti van Jaipur for ID(ID-DKB140)

Photo Taken on-19.10.2008

your plant looks like some Alysicarpus sp from Fabaceae Family, it is very difficult to ID from your photo.

Alysicarpus bupleurifolius (L.) DC. ?

I guess other than Alysicarpus bupleurifolius sp. 

Polygala sps

I think Polygala abyssinica R.Br. ex Fresen. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Polygala

Looks like …

