Trigonostemon viridissimus var. chatterjii (Deb & G.K.Deka) N.P.Balakr. & Chakrab., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 5: 967 1984. (syn: Trigonostemon chatterjii Deb & G.K.Deka);
Assam as per WCSP;


Photo taken by: Dr. Samiran Pandey.

Location: Meghalaya, India.

Shrubs or trees up to 4 m high, rarely seen  in the tropical evergreen forests up to 500 m altitude.

Distribution: Endemic to North-east India.

Differs from var. viridissimus  (Andaman Islands, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Timor and Lesser Sunda Islands) in the free stamens.



UP-Meghalay-9 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Id pl of the shrub in Balphakram national park.

Very nice cases. i am enjoying your trip. in this monsoon though please be careful hiking in the park

Our excursion ended in 1st week of June. Thanks for your concern.

I think this is Trigonostemon viridissimus var. chatterjii [Euphorbiaceae]
