

Mushroom for ID-AK-1 : Attachments (2).  9 posts by 6 authors.

Some Mushrooms specially for you before your departure.
This one taken on the Guava tree in our home garden at Nasik in June,05.

Pleurotus ostreatus I hope, the size is fantastic and it’s edible too.

the gills of Pleurotus ostreatus don’t reach upto the root all along the stem. It is Pleurotus but don’t know more.
Pleurotus ostreatus are certainly edible. But don’t eat mushrooms unless all, really all characteristics match. 
Let me tell you my experience a fortnight ago. I had some mushrooms in may garden, which looked like Champignons (Agaricus), but they did not have the nice smell of egerling, in fact they did not have any smell. I cut one mushroom, after some time it changed the color in faint yellowish, at least I thought so. So I did not eat it. A few days later there were more mushrooms, I took them to a mushroom-expert, and told him what I had observed. He smelt them,  he cut the mushroom and said, it is ok to eat the mushroom. In the evening I fried them and ate. My husband had doubts so he did not eat that. Later in the evening, I had some problems and had to vomit. My husband was ok. I was quite afraid, because we were going to travel to Berlin the following day.
I haven’t talked to the expert yet, but will do it in the next few days.
I have learnt two lessons,  rather consult two or three experts,  don’t eat mushrooms a day before your journey.
Anyway I am alive and in good health.

Copying one more link for pictures of Mushrooms.

Could it be Hypsizygus Tessulatus?