Moringa drouhardii Jumelle;
S-Madagascar as per Catalogue of Life;

Moringa drouhardii from Madagascar : Attachments (2)- around 850 kb each.
Found in Auroville Botanical Garden this summer.

Moringa sp. from Madagascar : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb each.
Found in Auroville Botanical Garden this summer (1.5.19).

what a straight pole of a trunk. thanks for showing us

Yes, it is.

To me appears to be same species as you posted as Moringa drouhardii

Moringa drouhardii : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around 1 mb each.

Found in Auroville Botanical Garden this July.
Fruits in M2 image: Looks same like Moringa oleifera.


Moringa drouhardii Jum. submission AS16 July22: 7 high res. images.

Moringa drouhardii Jum.
Madagascar Phantom Tree
Family – Moringaceae
Photographed in cultivation at Aurovile Botanical Garden, Pondicherry
In June 2022