Afghanistan to W. Himalaya as per WCSP;
Afghanistan; Pakistan; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;


Euphorbia kanaorica for confirmation : 14 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5)- around 350 kb each. 

Euphorbia kanaorica
Family – Euphorbiaceae
Habitat – Found growing along roadside under rocks.
Plants small upto 12 cms long.
Altitude – 1700 metres asl
Photographed at Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh 
Dated – 20 March 2019
I hope group experts will validate the id… 

I could not find any images on net.
What ever I could see from the following, I am not getting sure:
Flora of Pakistan (On stony slopes, gravel slides and screes; 9500’/2900 m. – 14,100’/4300 m)- What is the altitude mentioned in your books ?

There seems a vast difference in the elevation according to the FoP.

univ Michigan has occurrences in India. one such is in Jammu And Kashmir

elevation given. you have to find it from the locality. Locality Dras to Mitsahoi, Ladak road. State province Jammu and Kashmir. see how high asl. is it?

another one on the map is along
the River Narmada at GPS: Decimal latitude 22.88361 Decimal longitude 79.61611. that cant be very high above sea level.
one needs to locate it on terrestrial or whatever that map that shows contours and elevation

Structurally seems to have all the attributes in the description in FOP site

The correct attitude is as mentioned in FOP from 2000metres to 4300metres and there the flowering time mentioned is from June to August but i think as the altitude is about 1000metres lower of our Euphorbia so the flowering will also occur early. 
Habitat mentioned in FOP also matches with our plant as i have found them along gravel slides and screes along link road. 
Moreover the flowering plants are also small with thin wiry main stem. 
As mentioned by … there is one observation on gbif showing it from Central India its actually not from that place shown in map because whenever there’s no any proper place mentioned in any Herbarium record but there’s country mentioned then it shows the coordinates in centre of that country which you see in this case. 

thanks, … nice to know. but that makes for confusion. in my thinking. they should just say…. site unknown or not mentioned. may be herbaria bigwigs should take a page out of cancer plotting, gas and oil plotting, metal ore search and plotting. these are all very old established methodologies. now medical sciences is plotting the new measles cases

and superbugs in hospitals and communities all over the world. if all kinds of varied scientists can do it. why not herbaria organizers? i wonder what can nudge them?


Thanks, …, Do you think it is close to the posted images by …? 

Yes it looks closer. 

BUT, Dr Tapas Chakrabarty and Dr N.P. Balakrishnan Sir are the expert of Euphorbiaceae. Their opinion is far more important. This case is more interesting because this species in not included in Flora of India volume 23.

I found one link conclusions – Shodhganga . It states as below (However without reference to the author, date etc.):
4. Euphorbia kanaorica Boiss.
Boissier (1862) cites the specimens from Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, July 1830, Jacquemont 1491 (P) and Kinnaur, 21.8.1847, Thomson 2010 (K) as types. After a critical study on the above syntypes, Kinnaur, 21.8.1847, Thomson 2010 is selected as lectotype.

The ‘Conclusion’ link given by … seems to be a part of the thesis of Dr Binoj Kumar. He, with Dr N.P. Balakrishnan has written a revision of Euphorbia genus in India. Further details about this species may be found in their book:

I do not have it but it must be there in BSI libraries or university libraries.
