E. Romania to NW. China as per WCSP;

Altay; Iran; Kazakhstan; Kirgizstan; North Caucasus; Romania; Transcaucasus;
Turkey; West Himalaya; West Siberia; Xinjiang
as per Catalogue of Life;

Common name: Bulbous Star of Bethlehem


Gagea bulbifera submission : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (8)

Gagea bulbifera 
Family – Liliaceae
Photographed at Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh 
Altitude – 1700 meters asl
Dated – 20 March 2019
Hopes the id is correct. Here’s a link of its herbarium image

Yes it matches well with G. bulbifera (Pall.) Salisb.

The specimen at Kew (shown in your link of POWO) was determined by Shyamali Dasgupta who has also written Fascicle 23 of Flora of India which included Gagea. I checked the description in this document which matches. Bulbiferous cauline leaves are characteristic feature here.
Species is known only from Himachal Pradesh in India. It may be a rare species as Dasgupta mentioned only two specimens – E.R.Johnson at CAL, and J.R.Drummond at Kew. Both must be very old. Flora of Himachal Pradesh has not mentioned this species.