Shrub for ID : Thane : 16APR19 : AK-6 : 21 posts by 6 authors.
Plant seen at Dattaji Salvi Udyan in Thane last year.
Elaeagnus Species suggested by the person looking after the garden.

yes, could very well be 

May be, … It can be some exotic ornamental species.

Elaeagnus pungens Thunb. ??

Thanks for suggesting the Species.
Can we check for Elaeagnus macrophylla? The leaves look close.

Is it ornamental Elaeagnus, … ?

I’ll check in Encyclopaedias for Elaeagnus. Kindly inform whether ornamental or edible ?

I went through … pictures of the same garden on Flickr.
He has identified it as Elaeagnus umbellata.
…, frankly I have no idea whether ornamental or edible.
I have visited the place only twice and not yet met the person who is looking after the garden.
…, can help out with the id since you have seen it flowering.

E. umbellata is native and edible plant in my region. Your sample does not belong to E. umbellata. I will also check it for ornamental in my collection whenever I get time.

…, thanks for your quick response.
To me, the leaves look very close to Elaeagnus macrophylla.
This is just a suggested id.

This appears to be close to your another posting at Shrub for ID : Pali,Maharashtra : 060113 : AK-1
Most of the observations from your area are of Elaeagnus conferta Roxb. as per details herein.

Thanks … I was only going by … id from the same garden.

Thanks … I have gone with the gardener’s knowledge. …, please let me know if photo of any particular aspect of the plant will help resolve ID.
I went with umbellata, because I have seen conferta only in the wild, and it is not commonly found.
I will get a picture of lower surface of the leaf.
Will also check whether it is a climber or not.

Thanks, … On search, I did not find your images of E. umbellata. May I see your images.

Your images in the link looks more closer to images of … at Elaeagnus indica
These looks different from images of Elaeagnus umbellata at

Thanks … I am not confident about the species, because I am not familiar. I will post my pictures separately soon, so that the ID can be discussed / validated in that post.

On further scrutiny, I found that leaves are quite variable and indeterminate for the id.
Key feature to separate the species in this genus is the shape of the flowers.
Flowers in your plant on Flickr matches with Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora as per illustration and Keys from Flora Malesiana

Thank you very very much … for getting to correct ID. I will revise my notes at flickr soon.

I have revised my notes at flickr, the pictures of Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora can be found with this new search words.



Shrub for ID : Pali,Maharashtra : 060113 : AK-1:
A cultivated shrub on a farm at Pali, Maharashtra seen on 23/11/12.
No flowers or fruits seen, since it is a young plant.
Id please.

This looks like Elaeagnus conferta.