

SK1867 26 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- around 700 kb each. 

Location : Lele, Lalitpur
Date : 13 September 2014
Elevation :  1330 m.
Habit : Wild

Pl. check comparative images at 

Any Chlorophyllum species ? 

I found only one listed in the book which is Chlorophyllum molybdites (May.) Massee, which seems very close.

I don’t think its Chlorophyllum sp. as warts are very less on pileus and gills don’t look greenish however proper gills images and spore print is required.
It may be some Lepiota sp. 
Family – Agaricaceae 

Lepiota erminea ( Fr. : Fr. ) Gill.  ??

As per the book.
Attachments (1)