Ligustrum confusum Decne., Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. II, 2: 24 1879. (syn: Ligustrum confusum var. confusum ; Ligustrum kumaonense Decne.); . Himalaya to China (Yunnan) and Pen. Malaysia as per WCSP; . Andaman Is.; Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Malaya; Myanmar; Nepal; Thailand; Tibet; Vietnam; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life; . Common name: Indian Privet • Manipuri: ꯆꯤꯡ ꯀꯨꯟꯗꯣ Ching kundo • Nepali: कनिके फूल Kanike Phool . Shrub or small tree, 3-10m tall; branches rather densely lenticellate, younger parts and inflorescence branches densely white pubescent. Leaves variable in shape and form, elliptic-lanceolate ot ovate, (10-)20-65(-80) x (7-)11-25(-35)mm, apex acuminate to acute, bases obtuse to cuneate, glabrous and shiny above, glabrous to hirsute below, particularly around the midrib. Panicle branches ascending; pedicels 0.5-1mm in flower. Bracts and bracteoles present, the lower ones often large and leaf-like, decreasing up the panicle to small and linear, caducous, often lost before flowers open. Corolla tube 3-5mm long; lobes spreading, 2-3mm long. Fruit blue-purple, ovoid, 4-5mm long. Fl. April-July Oak and rhododendron forest, mixed wet forests and open scrub vegetation (Attributions-A.C.J Grierson & D.G Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGoB. 1999 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal) . Ligustrum indicum: http://www.flowersofindia.Indian%20Privet.html Is it now Ligustrum sinense var. sinense ?? The renaming comes from the attached paper where Ligustrum nepalense Wall. is an accepted species. Ligustrum indicum is a synonym of Ligustrum sinense, but that does not include specimens found in India. The paper mentions that the species found in India are either Ligustrum nepalense Wall. or Ligustrum confusum Decne. Ligustrum confusum Decne. is distributed in NE India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Burma, China (Yunnan) and Thailand. The paper says: “To judge from notes with several of the specimens, this species often grows on stream and river banks.” We found it growing wild in Manipur, on a stream side. Looking at images on Flora of Bhutan and the illustration at FOC, I think the plant on FOI is Ligustrum confusum. 1 attachment- pdf- Taxonomic notes relating to Lzgustrum (Oleaceae)- P. S. GREEN- Kew Bulletin, Vol. 50, No. 2 (1995) In that case Nepali name will also change as कनिके फूल Kanike Phool. Could you please look into my posts on Ligustrum in efi? I have given feedback in your individual posts, pl. see. There is another species in the area, which we determined as L.compactum as per details at Pl. check FOI images for this also. I am not able to reach the decision due to lack of details and low res. images. Thank you … for pointing out this species- I was not aware of it. Saroj’s images here seem to agree perfectly with the description of flowers of Ligustrum compactum at Flora of China : Corolla 3.5-5 mm; tube ca. as long as lobes. Stamens reaching apex of corolla lobes… In … images the stamens are really reaching the tip of the petals, and the petals are about as long as the flower-tube. In the flowers of the species under discussion on FOI (which I determined as Ligustrum confusum) the petals are shorter than the flower-tube, and the stamens appear to be shorter than the petals. Attaching the original resolution pics of the Ligustrum species from Manipur that is there on FOI. Although detail of the leaves is missing from these pics, the number of veins on the leaves seem to agree with Ligustrum confusum: Ligustrum compactum: primary veins 9-15 on each side of midrib Ligustrum confusum: primary veins 4-6 on each side of midrib 2 images. . References: |
Ligustrum confusum
Updated on December 24, 2024