Oreocome involucellata Pimenov & Kljuykov, Willdenowia 31: 118 2001;
Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;


SK303JAN07-2016:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Location: Kalinchowk, Nepal
Altitude: 9000 ft.
Date: 26 July 2014
 Apiaceae  ????

Thanks, …, Pl. check comparative images at Apiaceae

I checked before uploading but could not decide.

Pl. check with Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada & H.O. Saxena as per comparative images in efi

I think it should be I think it should be Selinum filicifolium (Edgew.) Nasir as per images herein.

This is not listed in Nepal. It could be one of four sp.

listed in Nepal but it is difficult for me to decide.

Pl. also check if anyone of them is a synonym of Selina filicifolium

Selinum dissectum Wall. ex DC. is an unresolved name as per the plant list does not show up in the Catalogue of Life.

As per GBif this is a doubtful species.
Selinum candollei Edgew. is a synonym of Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada & H.O. Saxena , to which your plant does not match.
Selinum striatum Benth. ex C.B.Clarke is a synonym of Ligusticum striatum DC. , to which it does not match as per the only link I found with images.
Also does not match with images of Selinum wallichianum
Thus only option left is Selinum filicifolium, to which I agree.

After days of sorting Selinum species of Nepal, I could finally reach to some conclusions.
I think it is Oreocome involucellata Pimenov & Kljuykov as per as per Himalayan species of Selinum L. sl – BioOne (Willdenowia, 31(1) : 101-124, 2001) – Michael G. Pimenov, Eugene V. Kljuykov, and Tatiana A. Ostroumova) as per type specimen and keys herein.
You can see type specimen in high resolution in GBIF.


SK 2964 14 September 2021: 4 very high res. images.
Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 1000 m.
Date: 05 September 2021
Habit : Wild
Which Apiaceae …??

I think Oreocome involucellata Pimenov & Kljuykov as per images and details herein.



References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  POWO GBIF (High resolution specimens)

Himalayan species of Selinum L. sl – BioOne (Willdenowia, 31(1) : 101-124, 2001) – Michael G. Pimenov, Eugene V. Kljuykov, and Tatiana A. Ostroumova)