Boehmeria conica C. J. Chen, Wilmot-Dear & Friis;
China (Yunnan), SE-Tibet, NE-India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of Life;
There is another closely related species to Boehmeria polystachya Weddell (with distribution in Nepal also as per Catalogue of life) as per keys in Flora of China:
7 (6) Leaf blade elliptic ovate, apex acuminate; flowering shoots with irregular second order branching; achene base narrowly cuneate.   20 B. polystachya
+ Leaf blade ovate-orbicular to suborbicular, apex abruptly caudate; flowering shoots with simple, spikelike branches only; achene base rounded.   21 B. conica
On checking with keys and high resolution specimens of Boehmeria conica C.J.Chen, Wilmot-Dear & Friis at GBIF, I think we do not have any posting of it so far in efi.


Catalogue of Life  GBIF (High
resolution specimens) Flora of China