Amelanchier arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald, 563 1941. (syn: Amelanchier oblongifolia (Torr. & A. Gray) M. Roem. (ambiguous
synonym); Aronia arborea W. P. C. Barton; Mespilus arborea Michx. fil.);
USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Vermont, Wisconsin, West Virginia), Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec), C-Europe (I) as per Catalogue of Life;


Tiny Berries for ID : Battery Park, New York : 23AUG19 : AK-34 : 16 posts by 5 authors.
Tiny Berries seen at Battery Park in Manhattan, New York in June,2017.
The closest I could get was Amelanchier Species of Rosaceae.
Common names Serviceberry or Juneberry.

Gaylussacia sp. ?? Clear images of leaves would have helped!

Thanks … These are the only pictures I have.

They look to be Vaccinium corymbosum aka high bush blueberry.

Thanks for the id. Did you consider my suggested id of Serviceberry or Juneberry? Amelanchier?  

Adding a cropped picture showing the trifoliate leaves.
Attachments (1)

Sorry trifoliate leaves written by mistake. Kindly ignore.

I will assume your suggestion that the leaves are trifoliate was merely an error while doing copy/paste from a previous message so am ignoring that description of the leaves for this plant.

Looking at the list again for Battery Park, they have Amelanchier arborea, Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Cole’s Secret’ aka Apple Serviceberry, A. canadensis. The three are listed as trees.
For Juneberry the list has only one:

Amelanchier lamarckii; it is also listed as a tree.
My suggestion that it may be a Highbush blueberry shows 3 on the list:
Vaccinium corymborsum ‘Herbert’ aka Highbush blueberry, one as V. corymbosum (no cultivar listed), and Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Berkley’ aka Highbush blueberry.
Was the plant you photographed at tree or a tallish shrub?

This why a habit picture is sooo very important.

Thanks again for all the efforts in identifying my post. Not very sure, but it was probably a small tree. I will post a similar one seen in New Jersey today.

Amelanchier does not have trifoliate leaves. Sorry, they just don’t.

…, the link showing the list of plants at Battery Park, New York is:

I had wriitten trifoliate leaves in a hurry, it was meant for my other post with purple flowers. Had rectified my mistake in the subsequent post. Probably you missed it.

Thanks, … On checking species from both genera from the list, I found that only Amelanchier has serrated leaves.
On checking these species, I think it may be closer to Amelanchier arborea as per

Thanks a lot. I had suggested Amelanchier in my initial post. Went through all the links … Amelanchier arborea looks close.


SK 3380 31 March 2022: 4 very high res. images.

Location: National History Museum, London 
Altitude: 10m.
Date: 27 March 2022
Habit : Cultivated 

Amelanchier sp.
Probably Amelanchier canadensis.. but cannot be positive

Looks good!

A. arborea and A. canadensis have often been confused. This is how two are separated:
Petals (8–)10–15(–19) mm; leaf apices acute to acuminate; sepals soon reflexed after flowering; shrubs or trees. Amelanchier arborea
Petals (4–)6–10.2(–15) mm; leaf apices rounded or acute to obtuse and mucronate; sepals erect, spreading, or recurved after flowering; shrubs; Leaf blades elliptic or oval to oblong or obovate; sepals erect, ascending, or spreading after flowering; ovary apices glabrous (or moderately hairy). Amelanchier canadensis
To me A. arborea looks good.