Dasymaschalon longiflorum (Roxb.) Finet & Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 53(4): 143 1906. (syn: Desmos longiflorus (Roxb.) Saff.; Unona longiflora Roxb.);

An erect shrub or small tree, about 4-8 m tall. Bark brown, branchlets puberulous, glabrous when mature, minutely verrucose when dry, buds rusty tomentose or silky. Leaves simple, alternate, lanceolate-oblong, oblong-elliptic to narrow lanceolate, 12-30 x 4-8 cm across, base acute or cuneate, margin entire, apex acute to shallow acuminate, chartaceous, dark green, slightly shining, glabrous above, paler glaucous beneath, lateral veins 12-16 on either side of the midrib, almost subparallel, impressed above, prominent on the midrib beneath, reticulate veinlets fine and close, petiole channeled, wider near the base, about 1.5-2 cm long. Flowers bisexual, fragrant, solitary, drooping, axillary, over the petiole base, pendulous, inverted horn shaped, yellow inside, orange outside, about 5-10 cm long, pedicels slender, about 4-10 cm long, bracts sub-basal, linear. Sepals 3, free, somewhat triangular, apex acute with mucronate tip, minutely pubescent, about 3-4 x 2-3 mm across. Petals 3, 2 are connate, linear-lanceolate, twisted, base clawed, apex acuminate, fleshy, red, pubescent when young, glabrous when mature, about 9-19 x 1-1.5 cm across. Stamens numerous, cuneate, closely packed, about 3 mm long, anthers linear, connectives concave on top. Carpels many, ovoid or subglobose, about 2-4 mm long, ovary elongate, stigma curved. Ripe carpels 15-50, glabrous, moniliform, constricted between the 2-4 joints, terminal joint apiculate, stalks about 1-2 cm long.

Evergreen forests, ravines, altitude up to 1200 m.
Local Distribution: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Odisha, Sikkim. Global Distribution: Asia: Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar.
(Attributions – Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India. Kailash, B. R., UAS & ATREE, Bangalore, India. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India from India Biodiversity Portal)



Re: Tree with cylindrical fruit : 9 posts by 5 authors.

Pecharthal North Tripura
Kindly identify

Can it be from Annonaceae ?

Dasymaschalon sp, could be D. longiflorum

Dasymaschalon obtusipetalum ??

D longiflorum or obtusipetalum ?

I have checked in the Net and guessed the IS. Please cross check in the Net.

Species in India with distribution are as below:

Dasymaschalon dasymaschalum (Blume) I. M. Turner India [Andamans, Nicobars]; Burma 
Dasymaschalon longiflorum (Roxb.) Finet & Gagnep. India [Sikkim, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Orissa]; Bangladesh
I agree with …, for the id as Dasymaschalon longiflorum (Roxb.) Finet & Gagnep as per

Yes, comparable to images in the links


Re: Annonacea : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)

Ratabari Karimganj Assam
Kindly identify

Annonaceae member,

Could be Uvaria sp.

Polyalthia sp. ??

May be some Dasymaschalon species as per comparative images at Annonaceae
What are the species reported from your area ?

You are right about it being a species of Dasymaschalon

Some Friesodielsia spp?

Thanks, … There are three species in India as per Friesodielsia
Out of which only Friesodielsia fornicata is reported from your area.
Fruits look different as per GBIF specimen.

I could find the match in a specimen in GBIF for this.
Other species Dasymaschalon dasymaschalum (Blume) I.M.Turner though look similar as per specimen at GBIF, but leaf shape and nerves are different.


ID : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 mb.

Request for Identification, Manipur, Northeast India

Thanks, …, Was it a tree ?

Do you have any habit image ? If so, pl. post

It is a shrub

May check Desmos (Annonaceae). There is an endemic Desmos manipurensis

Consulted one of our talented members of Eflora of India, … According to him this could be Dasymaschalon longiflorum.

Thanks a lot, … I just reached this id independently as per GBIF and Specimen

Flora of Bangladesh

Dasymaschalon could be longiflorum or tibetense (according to …)


Thanks a lot. Earlier, I thought is Goniothalamus sp. I got another diagnostic character of the plant which I am enclosed in this mail.

Attachments (1)

Dasymaschalon tibetense X.L.Hou is reported only from Tibet as per POWO.
Furthermore, as per publication, A new species, Dasymaschalon tibetense, has been described from South Tibet, China. The species is related to D. rostratum, but can be easily distinguished by its rounded apex of fruitlets and its 7.7–9.5 cm long petals.
Here in the posted image, apex of the fruitlet is not rounded. I could not find any specimen of this in GBIF.

In view, I think we can take it as Dasymaschalon longiflorum as per GBIF and Specimen and earlier postings at Dasymaschalon longiflorum



Annonaceae ? : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)

Location Rajnagar Kumarghat Unakoti district Tripura
It is a tree
Please identify

Also check comparative images at family page in efi site. 

Appears like some Polyalthia (Monoon) species like 

… will be able to tell the name.

I am not sure what this is.  Sorry

Polyalthia simiarum (Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f. & Thomson) Hook.f. & Thomson ??

Polyalthia simiarum (Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f. & Thomson) Hook.f. & Thomson seems possible as per GBIF link:

Dasymaschalon sp

Thanks, …

Yes, appears close to images and details at Dasymaschalon longiflorum (Roxb.) Finet & Gagnep.