Chonemorpha griffithii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 662 1882. (syn: Beluttakaka griffithii (Hook. fil.) Kuntze; Chonemorpha macrantha Pitard; Chonemorpha valvata Chatterjee);
E-Tibet, China (S-Yunnan), India (E-Himalaya, NE-India, Assam, Darjeeling), Myanmar [Burma] (Chin), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sikkim, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Griffith’s Frangipani Vine, Griffith’s Funnel-Flower Vine


TQ-Arunachal-1 Unidentified : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

Presumably a creeper, seen in East Siang forest, Arunachal Pradesh.
Flowering in May end.
Any clues to the identity are welcome.

Chonemorpha sp.?

Thanks for the lead! It does look like Chonemorpha fragrans in the wild.

Thanks, …,
What I find missing from numerous observations in efi site at Chonemorpha fragrans, is the yellow throat.
It is possible that it may have been some of its variety in the past. But needs more searching. eFloras site is also not opening to check with their descriptions.


Attaching another shot, showing the calyx. Since the calyx is divided almost to the base, it does NOT agree well with Chonemorpha fragran.

Chonemorpha miocenica?? But did not find any image in the net for verification.

I think it should be Chonemorpha griffithi, as that is the only species with calyx divided to almost the base, apart from C. verrucosa. But C. verrucosa has very small flowers.
Not matching with the illustration of C. griffithii here
could be a case of inaccurate drawing, especially as the species is supposed to be variable. The flower tube is about 7 cm long, inflated in the middle according to the description. All this seems to agree. There is no other species to compare with, that I know.

A paper which might be useful to people.

The Genus Chonemorpha G. Don (Apocynaceae)
Author(s): D. Chatterjee
Source: Kew Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1947), pp. 47-52
Attachments (1) – Chonemorpha-chatterjee1947.pdf- 384 kb.

Thanks, … This seems to be 1947 publication.

I went through the keys and description closely for three species Chonemorpha griffithii Hook. fil., Chonemorpha macrantha Pitard and Chonemorpha valvata Chatterjee.
All these are now considered as one now as per Catalogue of life;
Therefore, there is going to be some (variations &) discrepancy in descriptions and illustrations due to this merger of three species.
I agree with your id.

See the lectotype of Chonemorpha macrantha

Thank you …,The GBIF images and the lectotype images are quite convincing!