Merremia quinata (R. Br.) Ooststr.,  J. Arnold Arbor. 29(4): 417 1948. (syn: Convolvulus quinatus (R. Br.) Spreng.; Ipomoea pentadactylis Choisy; Ipomoea quinata R. Br.) as per The Plant List Ver.1.1;
China (Guangxi, Hainan, Hongkong, Yunnan), Taiwan, Indonesia, Myanmar [Burma] (Mandalay), New Guinea, Philippines (Luzon), Thailand, Vietnam (I), India, Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland) as per Catalogue of Life (Distimake quinatus (R.Br.) A.R.Simões & Staples syn: Convolvulus munitus Wall; Convolvulus pentadactylis Wall.; Convolvulus quinatus (R.Br.) Spreng.; Ipomoea hirsuta R.Br.; Ipomoea pentadactylis Choisy; Ipomoea quinata R.Br.; Ipomoea tenuifolia Kuntze; Merremia quinata (R.Br.) Ooststr.; Merremia quinata (R.Br.) van Ooststroom);

Reposting for confirmation : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

The convolvulaceae member previously id’ed as Merremia quinquefolia
Due to lack of photographs id was not confirmed. So, i am posting more photo of the plant species to confirm the ID. Kindly help in iddntification.
Place : Chilkigarh, Jhargram, WB
Date : 09 May 2020
Location: Forest floor.

I agree with you … for quinquefolia.

I could find the keys at Key Base as below:
1Leaves palmately lobed to palmately compound with up to 7 lobes or leaflets 2
1Leaves simple, entire, toothed, pinnately lobed or hastate, neither palmately lobed nor compound 7
2Leaves palmately lobed to near the base but not palmately compound; leaflets 3–7 3
2Leaves palmately compound with 3–5 leaflets4
3Plant hairy; leaf lobes coarsely dentate to irregularly pinnately lobed; corolla white with a rose to purple throat, 3–4.5 cm long Merremia dissecta
3Plant glabrous; leaf lobes entire; corolla yellow, 5–6 cm long Merremia tuberosa
4Peduncles glandular in the upper part, sometimes mixed with spreading hairs; sepals at flowering 3–8 mm long; corolla to 2.5 cm long Merremia quinquefolia
4Peduncles glabrous or hairy, but not glandular; sepals longer, 7.5–25 mm long; corolla 2.5–5 cm long 5
5Leaflets 3, outer leaflets with a secondary lobe, so appearing 5, leaflets undulate to occasionally toothed; sepals glabrous, 12–15 mm long, sub- equal, acute Merremia kimberleyensis
5Leaflets 5, entire 6
6Outer sepals glabrous, 7–10 mm long, obtuse, much shorter than the inner; corolla 3–5 cm long Merremia quinata
6Outer sepals patently hirsute, 12–25 mm long, acute or acuminate, slightly longer than the inner; corolla 2–3.5 cm long Merremia aegyptia
Pl. check.
I find the posted images to be different from images at Merremia quinquefolia

To get further clarity, I went through GBIF specimens of both species.
From the above, I feel posted plant should be of Merremia quinata

Thanks a lot sir, its close to Merremia quinata. I have also posted the similar species one year ago and its have identified as same but due to lack of photographs it was not finalize.–-l/cl/convolvulaceae/merremia/merremia-quinata

Ipomoea sp for ID. : 15 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb each.

Ipomoea sp. for ID.
Look like I. cairica but confused.
Chilkigarh, WB, India
October, 2019

Ipomoea cairica f. alba ??

Isn’t this Merremia quinquefolia?

… could be right.

Throat is smaller for Ipomoea cairica, Limb is bigger for Merremia quinquefolia. I would like to see a side view.

Is not leaf margin slightly serrated for I. quinquefolia ?

Merremia quinquefolia has essentially 5 lobes, here 6 lobed leaf too is seen.
Limb and throat very different than M. quinquefolia.

agree with …  … don’t you have more pictures? or can you get more?

Can it be Merremia quinata ?
Unless getting side view and full leaf, with sizes, it will be difficult to decide ….since the specimen does not match any known Indian species in Convolvulaceae. Merremia quinata has emerged as a probable. It is a common species in China, described in Flora of China, also reported from Australia

Pl. show us the calyx.

I too, have reminded …  In the meantime, there is news.

Ipomoea as a Genus has been revised … by scientists from Kew …
along with IpomoeaArgyreia, Turbina, Astripomea, Rivea, Stictocardia have undergone major change.
Many taxa from Argyreia have been transfered into Ipomoea, including Argyreia bella and Argyreia argentea (…!)
I have got pdf, still going through … I had received it as file, I can share it individually, no link sadly.
Ipomoea acanthocarpa is recognised with Ipomoea piurensis as synonym, there is story behind it, shared in the paper …  from America as well as Africa … they do not know about its presence in India yet. 

Catalogue of Life gives its distribution in India also.

…, our North East states have a lot common in flora with SE Asia .
Recently a facebook post from Tripura was identified as Merremia mammosa.
I too have read somewhere Merremia quinata being distributed in NE, and M. gemella too in NE (and Gujarat as per