Cissus arnottiana B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh, Kew Bull. 44: 473 1989. ;
India (Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life;
Cissus arnottiana B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh due to simple tendrils, which are forked in C. repanda.

Shrubs; tendrils simple. Leaves 9 x 10 cm, broadly ovate, apex acute, base cordate, margins glandular, dentate, basally 5-nerved, membranous; petiole to 6 cm, stipules 5 mm, ovate, cauducous. Cymes axillary, leaf opposed, 3 x 6 cm; peduncles to 3 cm, puberulus; bracts 5 mm, ovate, pedicels to 5 mm; calyx truncate, 4-lobed, 1.5 mm; petals 4 mm, hooded, brown outside, white inside; stamens 4, filaments 2 mm, disc prominent, 4-lobed; ovary embedded, style 1 mm, stout.

Flowering and fruiting: April-June
Near water courses
West Himalaya and India
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)

Plant ID. : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Require ID for a plant from Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh.

Cissus sp.

Cissus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Yes, may be Cissus arnottiana or C. woodrowii.

yes it looks like Cissus woodrowi

Thanks. Looks likely to be Cissus woodrowi.

Thanks for the opportunity to identify a Cissus from Andhra Pradesh. Although I am reluctant to identify the critical species with pictures, your mail initiated me to look into Cissus in general in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana.  We have Cissus species sprouting from root stocks, every year after first showers in Ragnareddy and other western/drier parts of Telangana and Telangana. Of interest are the species of the genus with herbaceous to shrubby habit (shoots ephemeral), with no or occasional tendrils. The species in the picture from Anantapur district appears, in all likelihood, to be C. arnottiana Shetty & Para.Singh.

Erect shrubs with stems terete or obscurely angled, leaves large and more or less orbicular lead to C. pallida (Wight & Arn.) Planch. (as per the key provided in Flora of Andhra Pradesh [FAP] by Pullaiah & Chennaiah 1997: 214).  This species was reported by his PhD student N. Yesoda  (NY 624) from Bukkapatnam RF in Fl. Anantapur Distr. (1989:64)  There were collections of the species by JS Gamble from the same district (not reported in Fl. Andhra Pradesh) and Cuddapah.  The authors of FAP did miss the paper of Shetty & Singh (1989) which was published much earlier to the publication of the State flora (1997), and therefore the name C. pallida, remained extant.
Since the name C. pallida (Wight & Arn.) Salisb. (1840) is nom. illegitimate (non Cissus pallida Salisb.(1796) and misapplied, Shetty & Singh (Kew Bull. 44: 1989) chose to describe a new taxon (for C. pallida sensu Planch., Gamble, etc.) after segregating some of the specimens of the syntype (C. heyneana Wallich num. list. 5988 c-f) and naming it after one of the authors of Vitis pallida, G.A.Waker-Arnott.
The habit of drawing of C. arnottiana was drawn from JS Gamble collection 15256 (K) from Kottakota hills in Anantapur district (Andhra).  Dr Wight collected this taxon in May 1824, from Hyderabad (Telangana). Some of the early collections, comparable those in the picture, were named as Cissus glabra nob. In Fl. Eastern Ghats, Pullaiah & Rao (2002: 288) cited those specimens of C. pallida in FAP rightly under C. arnottiana.
As per Flora of India (BSI e-online key and earlier Fl India (5: 278. 2000), shrubs with simple petiolate leaves lead us to three species of Cissus of which C. vitiginea is pubescent. The other two are C. arnottiana and C. woodrowii. However, the leaf-size differ is used to key out them (Lamina 20-30 × 20-25 cm and petioles 15-25 cm; these measurement may be of basal leaves while our herbarium specimens have distal leaves which are usually smaller] characterize C. woodrowii while C. arnottiana have smaller leaves (7-20 × 7-20 cm) with shorter petioles (4-15 cm) Talbolt (Forest Fl. Bomaby 1: 309.1909) merged the former with C. pallida sensu Planch. Shetty & Singh (2000) almost agreed with the view but left it for future studies. But, the pictures of C. woodrowii hosted by you [images JM Garg] have smaller leaves and flowers white and fruits apparently different and is a good species. The type of C. woodrowii has the stem woody, with several annual growth rings of wood displayed for good. The leaves are tri-lobed distally (also see picture cf. http://www.flowersofindia.Woodrow’sGrapeTree.html).
This discussion is expected to facilitate more field data gathering and fresh collections for Vitaceae in India which may result in describing some more new species which are in store.

what a nice scholarly elaboration with all proper references. I appreciate this write up of …

Liana for ID, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, NAW-OCT18-01 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly identify this liana with minute white flowers photographed on a hillside near Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, on the 9th of October, 2018. The heart-shaped leaves are 20 to 30 cm wide.

It is Cissus woodrowii of Vitaceae

Taking this as Cissus arnottiana B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh (as it has tendrils, which are not there in Cissus woodrowii (Stapf ex Cooke) Santapau) and as per discussions at Plant ID. and high resolution specimens at GBIF

It could be repanda,

It has simple tendrils as in Cissus arnottiana B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh and not forked as in C.repanda.

Climber for Id 240909JM1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 3 images.
On 13/9/09 in a rocky area in Keesaragutta in Rangareddy distt. of A.P.

It looks like Cissus repanda locally called Gendal. Sending you a photograph of mine for comparison.

Thanks, …, It looks like it.
… may like to say something on this as per flowersofindia link:

… nothing to say, than admit that I did not realize it as C. repanda until … identified it !!

Same here! Cissus never occured to me.

Thanks, …, I felt it vaguely to be a Cissus species after photographing it though I didn’t mention it in my post.
I found/ photographed flowering Cissus woodrowii nearby (about 100 meter) away last time on 21/6/09 as per thread:

Yes … it looks like Cissus repanda to me also.

Yes, It is Cissus repanda. C. rotundifolia, often cultivated also looks similar, but has thicker leaves and much more entire leaves.

It should be Cissus arnottiana B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh due to simple tendrils, which are forked in C. repanda.

I hope you’re right …


Plant id – bhuleshwar:

Found this plant on Buleshwar hill, near Yawat, Pune. Please help me identify the plant.

Date/Time- 2nd Sept 2012

Location- Bhuleshwar, near Yawat, Pune

Habitat- Wild.

Plant Habit- Shrub

This is Cissus repanda [Gendhal]. My photographs of this are available at this link

but in the link given by you, Cissus repanda is said to be having leaves acuminate at the apex and fruits beaked. This plant was having rounded berries (without pointed tip)

Can this be Cissus woodroii?
Ref: efloraofindia link: 

Agree with … This is more likely to be the Woodrow’s Grape Tree [Cissus woodrowii]. Please also check these links

Yes, Cissus woodrowii. It has a very shrub like habit.

I hope it’s arnottiana only …, because it has simple tendril,

ARJUL65 Vitaceae plant for ID : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
Growing on hill slopes
29th July 2014

This Vitaceae member is a large shrub. Could it be a variant of Leea macrophylla?

Cissus species.

Cissus– species in India (from some regional floras) & eFloraofindia with details  & some keys

The plant uploaded may be Cissus hastata

It may belong to Cissus woodrowii / C. arnottiana / C. repanda group.

Cissus species for sure. Could be Cissus repanda. Pictures show only one leaf. Can you post a  foliage  picture.    Also provide information whether it is a climber or a shrub..

The plant was a large shrub.
Leaves too were very large. Comparable to the size of pumpkin leaves.
I mentioned this comparison because I do not have a habit shot of the plant.


I have attached the only other shot I have of the plant.
Please see the photo,

To me appears close to Cissus arnottiana B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh as per comparative images at Cissus


plant 080811_1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 3 images.
plant for id
at sarola, aurangabad,

Looks like one of the Cissus species (Vitaceae).

May be Cissus arnottiana B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh as tendril appears to be simple.

Yes, could be

Plant For ID : Borgad Conservation Reserve : Nasik : 24SEP15 : AK-10 : 10/50 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
A small plant seen at Borgad Conservation Reserve near Nasik on 3rd July,15.
Could be Cissus Species?
Just a suggested id.

May be Cissus arnottiana B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh as per images and details herein, but tendrils has to be simple.



Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen  POWO  MNHN (Specimen) India Biodiversity Portal  

An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)- Details with keys 
Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2002)- Details and keys