Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey, Syst. Bot. 41: 309 (2016); . Common name: Meghalaya Rattlepod . Request help with Id of a wild Fabaceae member Location: Mawsynram, Meghalaya Alt: 1300m appx. Habit: Shrubby, small, about 1m growing along a wall besides the road Photographed: Sept. 2018 Certainly a Crotalaria sp., if you can follow up, see if the calyx is hirsute or otherwise, and seed pod will also help… Close to unidentified species in efi at Crotalaria species- Meghalaya What are the crotalaria species (with blue flowers) found in your area ? Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey ?? Thanks, …, But I am not getting any details/ images/ herbarium specimens etc. of Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey except for seeing a small thumbnail as a first image on Google search … pl. check. Is there any means we can open the journal ? I could not do it. Or, can we ask the authors? I think it should be Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey, after going through the paper. . Crotalaria bhutanica in FOI : 3 posts by 2 authors. Images of Crotalaria bhutanica in FOI should be Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey, after going through the paper on this species published in 2016. Does not matches with the herbarium specimens at GBIF (Crotalaria capitata Baker syn. of Crotalaria khasiana Bal. ex Thoth. & A.A.Ansari syn. Crotalaria bhutanica Thoth. as per Catalogue of life) GBIF (Crotalaria khasiana Bal. ex Thoth. & A.A.Ansari syn. Crotalaria bhutanica Thoth. as per Catalogue of life) and as per keys in Flora of Bhutan at Crotalaria Pl. correct. Thanks …! I think you are right here! Great effort! . MS,Sept ,2021/06 Crotalaria sp. (near meghalayensis) for id.: 3 images. Location : Lurh tlang, Mizoram Date : 03-10-2018 Habit : Undershrub Habitat : Wild Yes, appears close to images at Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey . Attached images may be sp. of Fabaceae. Please ID the plant. Date :27.10.2014 Location: Meghalaya Family : Fabaceae ?? Genus & species : ?? Habitat: Grows wild on open space Habit : Herb Pretty close to Crotalaria sessiliflora. Does not seem to match with other images at Crotalaria sessiliflora May be some other species. Crotalaria bhutanica Thoth. ?? Does not matches with the herbarium specimens at GBIF (Crotalaria capitata Baker syn. of Crotalaria khasiana Bal. ex Thoth. & A.A.Ansari syn. Crotalaria bhutanica Thoth. as per Catalogue of life) GBIF (Crotalaria khasiana Bal. ex Thoth. & A.A.Ansari syn. Crotalaria bhutanica Thoth. as per Catalogue of life) and as per keys in Flora of Bhutan at Crotalaria and as per description from there as below: 8. C. capitata Baker; C. bhutanica Thothathri Low sprawling shrub, stems 15-40cm, appressed brown pubescent. Leaves oblanceolate or obovate, 1.2-3><0.5—1cm, acute, base cuneate, sessile, sparsely pilose above, appressed brown pubescent beneath; stipules minute, deciduous. Flowers 3-20 in short dense terminal racemes. Calyx c12mm densely long brown sericeous, deeply divided into lanceolate teeth, upper pair broader. Petals blue-violet, standard suborbicular c 1cm across, paler than wings and keel, wings oblong c 10X3mm, keel c 12X4mm, upwardly curved near middle, pale puberulous along upper margin. Pods obovoid, c 10><5mm, inflated, glabrous. Bhutan: C—Thimphu to Tashigang districts, N—Upper Mo Chu and Upper Kuru Chu districts; Sikkim. On open grassy banks and gravel, 1825-3000m. July-September. I feel it is closer to images of Crotalaria bhutanica Thoth. in Flowersofindia, but not correctly identified. … may pl. look into it. This plant does look superficially similar to the plant on FOI as Crotalaria bhutanica, but one can see differences. For example, compare the flower-stalks of the two. The leaves of Crotalaria bhutanica are supposed to be inverted-lanceshaped or obovate. The angle of the pictures on FOI is such that this aspect is not very apparent. I checked with all the 4 blue flowered species listed in Meghalaya as per 2016 publication along with GBIf specimens, but could not get id of this one posted by …). It is Crotalaria sessiliflora L. Also check C. meghayensis recently published, it is allied to C. occulta, please check C. occulta I’m sure Do check and let me know I think more closer to images at Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey after going through the paper of this publication, where difference with C.oculta is also given. As both have the same distributional range, the newly described C. meghalayensis may be true as of differences. I am happy you have closely matched. . Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Crotalaria sessiliflora L. from Meghalaya 19 OCT15 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Attached images are Crotalaria sessiliflora L. from Meghalaya. I think more closer to images at Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey after going through the paper of this publication, where difference with C.oculta is also given.
. References: POWO Flowers of India |
Crotalaria meghalayensis Danda & A.K.Pandey
Updated on December 24, 2024